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  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Her Great Love Story
  • 露丝·巴德·金斯伯格:她伟大的爱情故事
  • She did the thinking. He did the cooking. How the Supreme Court Justice and her husband, Marty, sustained their passionate partnership
  • 她负责思考。他负责做饭。最高法院法官和她的丈夫马蒂如何维系浪漫的合作关系
  • "She's awfully cute." That's what Martin Ginsburg thought when he met his fellow Cornell student Ruth Bader on a blind date in 1950.
  • “她很可爱。”1950年,马丁·金斯伯格(Martin Ginsburg)在一次相亲会上遇到康奈尔大学(Cornell)的校友露丝·巴德(Ruth Bader),当时他是这么想的。
  • Soon he noticed something else: "He thought, 'She's awfully smart,'" says their son James Ginsburg, who is now 53.
  • 很快,他注意到另一件事:“他觉得,‘她非常聪明,’”他们53岁的儿子詹姆斯·金斯伯格(James Ginsburg)说。
  • "He was smitten pretty quickly." Ruth, who was 17, was dating another man at the time. But Marty, who was 18, stood out.
  • “他很快就被迷住了。”17岁的露丝当时正在和另一个男人约会。但18岁的马蒂脱颖而出。
  • "Mom said Dad was the only boy who dated her," James says, "who cared that she had a brain."
  • “妈妈说爸爸是唯一约她的男孩,”詹姆斯说,“他在乎她有没有思想。”
  • That brain, of course, would take her all the way to the Supreme Court, where she was confirmed in 1993.
  • 当然,她的思想帮她一路进入最高法院,1993年她在那里得到了确认。
  • But while the world knows about Ruth Bader Ginsburg—85-year-old brilliant legal mind and senior liberal voice on the court, not to mention a pop-culture icon who answers to "Notorious RBG"
  • 虽然全世界都知道露丝·巴德·金斯伯格——85岁的杰出法律工作者,法庭上自由的声音,并且作为流行文化代表人物回应了“臭名昭著的RBG”这一说法
  • —the story of the grand love affair between Ruth and Marty, who were married for 56 years until his death from cancer in 2010, hasn't been publicly told, until now.
  • ——露丝和马蒂之间美丽的爱情故事直到现在才公之于众。他们的婚姻走过了56年,马蒂于2010年死于癌症。
  • In both this year's hit documentary RBG and the new feature film On the Basis of Sex (written by Ginsburg's nephew Daniel Stiepleman and starring Armie Hammer and Felicity Jones—see box), the couple's devotion takes center stage.
  • 在今年的热门纪录片《RBG》和新故事片《性别为本》(由金斯伯格的侄子丹尼尔·斯蒂普勒曼(Daniel Stiepleman)编剧,由艾米·哈默(Armie Hammer)和费利西蒂·琼斯(Felicity jones)主演)中,这对夫妇的忠诚吸引了众多目光。
  • "Marty loved her madly," says Arthur Miller, a professor who attended Harvard Law School with the pair.
  • “马蒂疯狂地爱着她,”和他们一起上过哈佛法学院的阿瑟·米勒(Arthur Miller)教授说。
  • As Ruth became an expert in gender-discrimination law, she and Marty were a living example of what equality of the sexes was all about.
  • 露丝成为一名性别歧视法专家,而她和马蒂是性别平等的活生生的例子。
  • "I did the cooking, and she did the thinking," Marty often joked. But, as Ruth saw it,"without him, I would not have gained a seat on the Supreme Court."
  • 马蒂经常开玩笑说:“我负责做饭,她负责思考。”但是,如露丝所见,“没有他,我就不会在最高法院获得一席之地。”
  • The tests to the couple's love came early and often. In 1955, when they were newlyweds and still in law school, Marty got testicular cancer and was given a 5 percent chance of living.
  • 这对恋人的爱很早就经历了考验,也很频繁。1955年,他们刚刚结婚,还在法学院读书,马蒂得了睾丸癌,只有5%的存活机会。
  • While he underwent radiation and slept much of the time, Ruth organized his friends to take class notes, typed them up and cared for their infant daughter Jane.
  • 当时他在接受放射治疗,大部分时间都在睡觉,露丝组织他的朋友们做课堂笔记,打印出来,照顾他们年幼的女儿简。
  • "He'd get up around midnight and then eat whatever food I had cooked for him, and not very well," Ruth recently said. "I would go back to my own work at about 2."
  • “他会在半夜起床,然后吃我给他做的食物,而且吃得不太好,”露丝最近说。“我会在2点左右回去工作。”
  • Marty survived and landed a job as a tax attorney; Ruth, graduating the next year at the top of her class, was unable to find work at a law firm.
  • 马蒂活了下来,找到了一份税务律师的工作;露丝第二年以全班第一名的成绩毕业,却没能在一家律师事务所找到工作。
  • ("We hired a woman last year, we don't really need you," was one response she was given.)
  • (“我们去年雇了一名女性,我们并不十分需要你,”有人回答说。)


Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Her Great Love Story

She did the thinking. He did the cooking. How the Supreme Court Justice and her husband, Marty, sustained their passionate partnership
"She's awfully cute." That's what Martin Ginsburg thought when he met his fellow Cornell student Ruth Bader on a blind date in 1950.
“她很可爱。”1950年,马丁·金斯伯格(Martin Ginsburg)在一次相亲会上遇到康奈尔大学(Cornell)的校友露丝·巴德(Ruth Bader),当时他是这么想的。
Soon he noticed something else: "He thought, 'She's awfully smart,'" says their son James Ginsburg, who is now 53.
很快,他注意到另一件事:“他觉得,‘她非常聪明,’”他们53岁的儿子詹姆斯·金斯伯格(James Ginsburg)说。


"He was smitten pretty quickly." Ruth, who was 17, was dating another man at the time. But Marty, who was 18, stood out.

"Mom said Dad was the only boy who dated her," James says, "who cared that she had a brain."
That brain, of course, would take her all the way to the Supreme Court, where she was confirmed in 1993.
But while the world knows about Ruth Bader Ginsburg—85-year-old brilliant legal mind and senior liberal voice on the court, not to mention a pop-culture icon who answers to "Notorious RBG"
the story of the grand love affair between Ruth and Marty, who were married for 56 years until his death from cancer in 2010, hasn't been publicly told, until now.
In both this year's hit documentary RBG and the new feature film On the Basis of Sex (written by Ginsburg's nephew Daniel Stiepleman and starring Armie Hammer and Felicity Jonessee box), the couple's devotion takes center stage.
在今年的热门纪录片《RBG》和新故事片《性别为本》(由金斯伯格的侄子丹尼尔·斯蒂普勒曼(Daniel Stiepleman)编剧,由艾米·哈默(Armie Hammer)和费利西蒂·琼斯(Felicity jones)主演)中,这对夫妇的忠诚吸引了众多目光。
"Marty loved her madly," says Arthur Miller, a professor who attended Harvard Law School with the pair.
“马蒂疯狂地爱着她,”和他们一起上过哈佛法学院的阿瑟·米勒(Arthur Miller)教授说。
As Ruth became an expert in gender-discrimination law, she and Marty were a living example of what equality of the sexes was all about.
"I did the cooking, and she did the thinking," Marty often joked. But, as Ruth saw it,"without him, I would not have gained a seat on the Supreme Court."
The tests to the couple's love came early and often. In 1955, when they were newlyweds and still in law school, Marty got testicular cancer and was given a 5 percent chance of living.
While he underwent radiation and slept much of the time, Ruth organized his friends to take class notes, typed them up and cared for their infant daughter Jane.
"He'd get up around midnight and then eat whatever food I had cooked for him, and not very well," Ruth recently said. "I would go back to my own work at about 2."
Marty survived and landed a job as a tax attorney; Ruth, graduating the next year at the top of her class, was unable to find work at a law firm.
("We hired a woman last year, we don't really need you," was one response she was given.)

重点单词   查看全部解释    
sustained [səs'teind]


adj. 持久的,经久不衰的

documentary [.dɔkju'mentəri]


adj. 文献的
n. 纪录片

organized ['ɔ:gənaiz]


v. 组织

brilliant ['briljənt]


adj. 卓越的,光辉的,灿烂的
n. 宝石

radiation [.reidi'eiʃən]


n. 辐射,放射线

miller ['milə]


n. 磨坊主,铣床(工)

passionate ['pæʃənit]


adj. 热情的,易怒的,激情的

attorney [ə'tə:ni]


n. (辩护)律师

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

devotion [di'vəuʃən]


n. 虔诚,祈祷,献身,奉献,热爱





