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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- They had experiences. And these experiences created grooves inside their brain, so when someone said
- 他们有经验。这些经验在大脑中形成沟槽,比如,当有人说
- you know "Oxford Circus", immediately they knew what street they need to take to Oxford Circus.
- "牛津广场"时,他们立即知道要走哪条街才能去到牛津广场
- Their brain actually became bigger. It changed their neuroplasiticity. And that's wonderful news.
- 他们的大脑变得更大。那改变了他们的神经可塑性,那是个好消息
- It's really wonderful news. Because it means we have control.
- 是非常好的消息,那意味着我们可以控制
- And we can introduce change. Now in our brain, there are both healthy and unhealthy pathways.
- 我们可以引入改变。在大脑中既有健康通道也有不健康的
- So for example, some of the negative channels may be one of the constant worrier, someone who worries a lot.
- 比如说,一些消极的通道,一个总是忧心重重的人,一个事事担心的人
- That every time something happens, immediately they gravitate to "ok so what does that mean for the future?"
- 只要有事发生,他们立即转向"那对未来意味着什么?"
- Or "what does that mean now for my prospects?" Or "What does it mean for today?"
- "那对我的期望意味着什么?"或"那对今天意味着什么?"
- Constantly worrying about things. Even good things very often.
- 时刻担心各种事情。甚至经常为好事担心
- They immediately interpret it as something to be worry about. Or fault finding.
- 他们会立即把好事理解成需要担心的事。或者发现缺陷
- That's pathways in the brain where I look for, again they are self-reinforcing. I begin to look for in my world things that go wrong.
- 消极思维会通过那条大脑通道,再说一次,通道是自行巩固的。我会通过那条通道不断寻找我的缺陷
- Remember my personal experience where I got the fellowship as a senior here.
- 我还记得自己的亲身经历,当我获得本校的奖学金时
- And I got the fellowship and immediately my brain gravitated toward "Ok but why didn't I get the other one?"
- 我得到了奖学金,但我的大脑立即开始想"但我为什么没得到另一个?"
- I had so many things to be grateful for.
- 我有那么多事情值得感激
- But it's the fault finder immediately the neural pathway, the river this experience fell into was the largest one.
- 但作为消极者,神经通道,经验流向的河流是条最大的河
- And the largest one for me at that time was being a fault finder.
- 当时对我来说,最宽的河流就是消极的
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201901/575749.shtml