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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- And whenever a ball comes toward you, automatically you don't even need to think about it. It gravitates.
- 只有有球飞过来,你不需要再考虑。它被吸引
- Your mind gravitates toward that particular path or paths, many paths that tell you "lift it up and hit".
- 你的思维被引向那个或那些特别的通道,很多通道,告诉你"举起球拍击球"
- It's automatic. Same with music.
- 完全是自动的,音乐也是如此
- And what it has shown is people who practice music regularly or practice a sport regularly, their brain actually changes its shape.
- 经常练习演奏的人,或经常练习一种运动的人,他们的大脑真的会改变形状
- More neural pathways are created around these areas that mean "let me play a C now"
- 更多神经通道在那个区域形成,"让我演奏C调"
- or "let me move my fingers in this way" based on somthing that I see on the page.
- "让我的手指这样移动",根据我看到的乐章
- Certain neural pathways are created, and the brain actually becomes thicker in these areas.
- 特定的神经通道被创造出来,大脑在那些区域变成更厚
- Or more experience flow in: the more we do it, the more they flow
- 更多经验流入,做得越多,经验流入的越多
- Until it becomes grooved and I don't need to think about how to play C-. It's automatic.
- 直到它变成沟槽,让我不需要考虑就能演奏降C调。完全是自动的
- They did a research. This was the first research, one of the first research projects where they found the brain actually changes.
- 他们做过一项研究。这是做过的首批研究中的一项,让他们发现大脑其实是改变的
- They took taxi drivers or freshly minted taxi drivers from London
- 他们让伦敦的出租车司机或新手司机
- And what they had to do, to become, to get their certificate, their approval, they had to study the map of London.
- 他们如果想获得执业证,他们的许可,他们必须学习伦敦地图
- Now the map of London is much more complicated than study the map of New York.
- 伦敦地图比纽约地图复杂得多
- Those of you who have been to London.
- 去过伦敦的人都知道
- But they studied and they spent a lot of time. What they found was the brain,
- 但他们花很多时间研究地图。他们发现司机们的大脑
- part of their visual cortex actually changed from before they started to study the maps of London to after.
- 他们的视觉皮质的一部分发生变化,在司机学习伦敦地图前后
- Because they were working that part of the brain.
- 因为他们在使用那部分大脑
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201901/575745.shtml