1. designed to 旨在
Clothing designed to be one of the centers of national activity, start at about this time.
服装被设计成为国家活动的中心之一大约就是从此时开始的 。
2. in the custody of sb. 被某人拘捕
The woman is in the custody of the Vatican police , the ANSA news agency reported .
安莎通讯社报道称,肇事女信徒已被梵蒂冈警方拘捕 。
3. attributable to 归因于
The severity of the strikes is attributable to communications gaps they had with the workers.
罢工的严重程度应归咎于企业与工人之间存在沟通障碍 。
4. tasked with doing sth. 任务是
He was tasked with establishing a refuge for the birds on an island off the southwest corner of New Zealand.
他的任务是在新西兰西南端近海的一个岛上建立一个鸮鹦鹉栖地 。
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