1. from thin air 凭空
You need to work hard—opportunities don't just come from thin air.
你得付出努力,机会是不会凭空降临到一个人头上的 。
2. the vast majority of 绝大多数……
In the vast majority of cases there was no trial, no report of the arrest. People simply disappeared, always during the night.
绝大多数案件都没有审判,也没有抓捕记录 。人就这么活活消失了,而且总是在夜里 。
3. in defense of 捍卫;辩护
He wrote the poem in memory of his wife who offered her life in defense of the country.
他写这首诗是为了纪念他那为国捐躯的妻子 。
4. culminate with 达到顶峰
1960s - It was the time of huge economic growth that culminated with the invention of the mini skirt in 1965.
1960年代——这是一个经济巨增,并随着1965年迷你裙的发明而达到顶峰的时代 。
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