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  • This makes nostalgia dangerous.
  • 而折中方案会使得怀旧情绪变得危险。
  • Protesters do not necessarily expect to put back the clock—they may just be seeking to slow it down.
  • 反对者并不一定期望时光倒流——而仅是希望其放慢速度。
  • And yet such sclerosis may only aggravate the sense of decline.
  • 然而这种僵化可能只是会放慢衰退速度。
  • In addition, the self-esteem that nostalgists crave often seems to feed xenophobia.
  • 此外,怀旧者常常渴望的自尊似乎助长了仇外情绪。
  • India's Hindu-nationalist revival has seen an increase in reported hate crimes towards Muslims.
  • 据报道,在印度,印度教民族主义复兴导致增加了针对穆斯林的仇恨犯罪。
  • In the West people on the right remember a whiter past, with fewer cultures, even as the hard left condemns the machinations of global business.
  • 在西方,右翼人士仍在回忆白人更多、文化更少的过去,而与此同时,强硬左派正巧在强烈谴责全球商业的阴谋诡计。
  • It is no accident that there has been a resurgence of anti-Semitism, not least in Britain's Labour Party under the backward-looking Jeremy Corbyn.
  • 反犹太主义的复兴并非偶然,尤其是在英国工党领导人杰里米·科尔宾的保守领导下。
  • Because of the taint of xenophobia, progressives are quick to treat all nostalgia as prejudice, leading them to dismiss the fears of whole sections of society.
  • 由于排外情绪影响,进步派很快对所有的怀旧情绪产生偏见,这会引导他们消除社会各阶层的恐惧。
  • That sweeping judgment is one more reason why populists have been able to exploit nostalgia so successfully.
  • 民粹主义者能够如此成功地利用怀旧情绪,这种全面判断是另一个原因。
  • They are having it too easy.
  • 民粹主义者利用怀旧情绪太容易了。
  • Nostalgia can be harnessed for good.
  • 怀旧情绪可以被永久利用。
  • At the start of the 20th century, Europe and America were nostalgic, too, buffeted by a similar confluence of technological, geopolitical and cultural change.
  • 20世纪初,欧洲和美国也很怀旧,且伴有类似的技术、地缘政治和文化变革的冲击。
  • Then a period of conflict and social upheaval led to universal suffrage and education for all.
  • 随后,一段冲突和社会动荡时期带来了普选和全民教育。
  • Today's politicians can learn from that time.
  • 今天的政客们可以从那段时期吸取教训。
  • They must avoid war, obviously, by preserving and enhancing the institutions that enable countries to work together.
  • 显而易见,政客们一定要避免战争,这就需要维护和加强能使各国合作的机构。
  • But they should also find bold ways to deal with insecurity and alienation.
  • 但也应该大胆寻找处理不安全感和疏离感的方式。
  • That will involve the state working harder for the citizen by making education available throughout people's lives, by overhauling taxation, devolving power to cities and regions, averting climate catastrophe, and wise management of immigration.
  • 这就涉及到国家要更加为公民尽心尽力,包括提供终身教育、改革税收、下放权力至城市和地区、避免气候灾难、明智管理移民。
  • The nostalgists are on to something.
  • 怀旧主义者有其道理。
  • When one way of running the world seems to be exhausted, but the next has yet to come into being, the past holds important lessons.
  • 当管理世界的一种方式似乎消耗殆尽,下一个似乎还未形成时,我们可以从历史汲取重要经验。
  • When nothing seems to make sense, history becomes the supreme discipline.
  • 当一切似乎毫无意义时,历史成为最高教条。
  • Knowing who you are and where you came from matters.
  • 知道你是谁、你从哪里来很重要。
  • The best way to harness the past demolishes prejudice and opens horizons.
  • 好好利用过去来破除偏见、开拓视野。
  • A proper sense of history helps you grasp that progress depends on facing up to hard choices.
  • 对历史正确认识有助于理解进步取决于面对艰难选择这个道理。
  • Sometimes it can inspire, too.
  • 有时也能激发灵感。
  • Fifty years ago Apollo 8 took off from Cape Canaveral in Florida.
  • 50年前,阿波罗8号从佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角起飞。
  • On December 24th it captured a photograph of Earth, a half-shrouded blue-white planet, seemingly united.
  • 12月24日,它拍下了一幅地球照片:一颗半透明的蓝白色行星,俨然浑然一体。


This makes nostalgia dangerous. Protesters do not necessarily expect to put back the clockthey may just be seeking to slow it down. And yet such sclerosis may only aggravate the sense of decline. In addition, the self-esteem that nostalgists crave often seems to feed xenophobia. Indias Hindu-nationalist revival has seen an increase in reported hate crimes towards Muslims. In the West people on the right remember a whiter past, with fewer cultures, even as the hard left condemns the machinations of global business. It is no accident that there has been a resurgence of anti-Semitism, not least in Britains Labour Party under the backward-looking Jeremy Corbyn.

Because of the taint of xenophobia, progressives are quick to treat all nostalgia as prejudice, leading them to dismiss the fears of whole sections of society. That sweeping judgment is one more reason why populists have been able to exploit nostalgia so successfully.
They are having it too easy. Nostalgia can be harnessed for good. At the start of the 20th century, Europe and America were nostalgic, too, buffeted by a similar confluence of technological, geopolitical and cultural change. Then a period of conflict and social upheaval led to universal suffrage and education for all. Todays politicians can learn from that time. They must avoid war, obviously, by preserving and enhancing the institutions that enable countries to work together. But they should also find bold ways to deal with insecurity and alienation. That will involve the state working harder for the citizen by making education available throughout peoples lives, by overhauling taxation, devolving power to cities and regions, averting climate catastrophe, and wise management of immigration.

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The nostalgists are on to something. When one way of running the world seems to be exhausted, but the next has yet to come into being, the past holds important lessons. When nothing seems to make sense, history becomes the supreme discipline. Knowing who you are and where you came from matters.

The best way to harness the past demolishes prejudice and opens horizons. A proper sense of history helps you grasp that progress depends on facing up to hard choices. Sometimes it can inspire, too. Fifty years ago Apollo 8 took off from Cape Canaveral in Florida. On December 24th it captured a photograph of Earth, a half-shrouded blue-white planet, seemingly united.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
alienation [.eiljə'neiʃən]


n. 疏远,离间,让渡,[哲]异化

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

supreme [sju:'pri:m]


adj. 最高的,至上的,极度的

turkey ['tə:ki]


n. 土耳其
n. 火

judgment ['dʒʌdʒmənt]


n. 裁判,宣告,该判决书

aggravate ['ægrəveit]


vt. 使 ... 恶化,使 ... 更严重

dismiss [dis'mis]


vt. 解散,开除,逃避,(法律)驳回

insecurity [,insi'kjuərəti]


n. 不安全;不牢靠;无把握;心神不定

catastrophe [kə'tæstrəfi]


n. 大灾难,大祸,彻底失败

discipline ['disiplin]


n. 训练,纪律,惩罚,学科
vt. 训练,惩





