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  • It can be very specific or much more...
  • 可以专注于一个主题也可以更笼统
  • Or the benefit, psychological benefit of Arabic exercise. So it can be very specific or very general.
  • 比如有氧锻炼的心理益处,即可以专注于一个主题也可以很概括
  • Up to you. Whatever you think would be more interesting to you.
  • 由你们决定,只要你觉得更感兴趣
  • And what often happens when we found this is that once you get into the literature, you are going through info, you'll read a lot of studies there.
  • 我们经常会发现,当你们着手准备讲座,查资料,阅读很多研究时
  • That's when you understand, "OK, I have so much material on just this specific point I am going to focus here."
  • 那时你们才会明白,仅就这个问题,我就有很多资料,我准备专注这里
  • Or I really want an overview of this whole topic.
  • 或者我很想概述整个主题
  • And then in later presentations, or I'll create a whole class just based on this topic later on.
  • 然后在后面的报告中,或者我会在以后专注这个主题编一堂课
  • Or website. There are actually many students who created websites based on their projects.
  • 或者网站,很多学生根据他们的报告开设了网站
  • There was another hand up there. Or were you just saying hi? Hi. Yes. They can't hear you.
  • 那里还有人举手,或者你只想问候一下?是的,他们听不到你说的话
  • For extention students all over the world, you are going to pick two or three people anywhere,
  • 世界各地的进修学院的学生,你们可以在任何地方选两三个人
  • family, friends, whoever it is but people who will be "beautiful enemies" to you, who will give you real feedback. Because they care about you.
  • 家人,朋友,任何人都可以,但要是你的"美丽敌人",他们会给你真实的意见,因为他们关心你
  • Good. Alright. No one else? Alright, if you have further questions, ask your TF or ask me. Bless you.
  • 好了,还有吗?好的,还有问题的,可以问你们的助教或问我。祝你身体健康
  • Change. In many ways, we've been talking about change the whole class.
  • 改变,可以说,整门课都在讲改变
  • This class is about change, as I said on the first class, I wouldn't be teaching it if I didn't think people could change.
  • 这门课就是关于"改变",我在第一堂课就说,如果我认为人不能改变,我就不会上这门课
  • And when I talk change, I am talking about different levels.
  • 我说到改变时,我说的是不同的层次
  • Whether the change in terms of introducing a habit: I want to start exercising for three times a week.
  • 可以是培养一个习惯:我想每周锻炼三次
  • Why? Because as you'll see from a few weeks from now, exercising three times a week has the same effect as some of our most powerful psychiatric drugs.
  • 为什么?因为几周后,你们会看到,每周锻炼三次的效果和很多有效的心理药物相同




重点单词   查看全部解释    
understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

benefit ['benifit]


n. 利益,津贴,保险金,义卖,义演

psychological [.saikə'lɔdʒikəl]


adj. 心理(学)的

specific [spi'sifik]


adj. 特殊的,明确的,具有特效的
n. 特





