1. out of touch with 脱离;与……失去联系
If insanity means being out of touch with reality, then he was insane long before he thought he was a cow.
如果疯狂是指脱离现实,那么,在他以为自己是一头牛之前,他早就已经疯了 。
2. chief of staff to sb. 某人的幕僚长
Leon Panetta once served as chief of staff to former President Bill Clinton.
列昂·帕内塔曾是美国前总统比尔.克林顿的幕僚长 。
3. lead the charge to 领导
It is they who will lead the charge to reshape decision making in business.
领导重塑商业决策这一变革的将会是他们 。
4. be a political winner for sb. 让……在政治层面占据上风
The credit card issue could be a political winner for Obama, with many Americans saying they are angry over lending practices.
由于许多美国民众对于信用卡放款规定怨声载道,此一议题势必让奥巴马在政治层面占了上风 。
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