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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- Take a minute twice a day to focus on what is going on around you
- 每天两次花一分钟时间留意周遭的一切
- Take a minute when... on your way to class to look at the beautiful grass, the beautiful trees, the beautiful snow.
- 花一分钟的时间,在上课的路上看看美丽的草地、青翠的树,美丽的雪
- Take a minute in the evening to reflect and think about the day you had, and to write down the things for which you are grateful.
- 晚上用一分钟去回忆回想你度过的一天,写下让你心怀感激的事物
- Today over lunch, just by a little bit slower than you do normally and taste, experience the taste. Because
- 今天午餐时,略比平时吃得慢些去品尝,体验品尝的滋味。因为
- it is a privilege to have the food that we have.
- 我们所吃的食物是种特权
- It is a privilege to have the friends that we have. the family that we have.
- 朋友是我们的特权,家人是我们的特权
- And we shouldn't take that privilege for granted.
- 我们不应视特权为理所当然
- Because what we don't appreciate unfortunately depreciates.
- 因为我们不知欣赏的就会贬值
- We don't need to wait for a threat, for a tragedy, for us to appreciate what's all around us and within us.
- 我们不需要经历一次威胁,一出悲剧才去感激周遭和内心感受的一切
- What reminds me constantly, my surrounding, the reminder that I have always in front of my eyes,
- 时刻提醒我的,我的周围环境,时刻在我眼前提醒我的
- is a picture of my family and particularly, of my grandmother in the middle.
- 是我家人的一张照片,特别是中间的祖母
- And here's my grandfather who saw her coming in stooped, ill and took her into his arms. I have this picture in my office.
- 祖父看到她弯腰走进来,病倦不堪,他把她揽在怀中,我办公室里放着这张照片
- Looked at it all the time to remind me.
- 经常看它来提醒自己
- I would have told you the story now which comes at the end of the lecture.
- 我本可以现在给你们讲这个故事,原本安排在讲座最后
- But I know when I tell the story, it drains me so much. I don't think I would be able to go on.
- 但我知道讲完故事,我会心力憔悴,我将无法继续讲座
- So I told you at the end of the lecture last time.
- 所以我会在讲座最后讲这个故事
- But this is my reminder.
- 但这是给了我一个提醒
- This is what primes me, creating a positive environment — primes me and reminds me to be a benefit finder.
- 它激励我创造一个积极的环境——激励提醒我要作一个积极者
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201812/572482.shtml