adj. 持久的,忍耐的
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- Hanging over this debate about the pros and cons of the deal is the question of what overturning it would do to the health of Britain's democracy.
- 围绕该协议利弊的辩论一直悬而未决的问题是,推翻该协议将对英国民主的健康产生何种影响。
- Parliament has the legal right to ignore the referendum.
- 议会有无视公投的法律权利。
- But after a record number of people voted (to "take back control", no less), it could be catastrophic for trust in mainstream parties if it were to do so.
- 但在创纪录数量的民众投票(至少是“夺回控制权”)后,如果这样做,对主流政党的信任可能是灾难性的。
- In truth, the democratic argument is more complicated.
- 事实上,民主争论更加复杂。
- The vote to leave was an expression not just of Euroscepticism but of a wider frustration.
- 脱欧公投不仅是欧洲怀疑论的表现,也是一种更广泛的挫败感的表现。
- It exposed divisions by age, region and class that the old left-right party divide had covered up.
- 它暴露了过去左右两党分裂所掩盖的按年龄、地区和阶级划分的分歧。
- Far from bridging those divides, the bitter arguments since the referendum have if anything caused the two sides to move even further apart.
- 公投后的激烈争论非但没有弥合这些分歧,反而导致双方进一步分裂。
- Overturning the vote would risk making them irreconcilable.
- 推翻投票结果可能会使他们无法和解。
- But adopting a Brexit deal like the one on offer would be unlikely to heal those wounds.
- 但是,采用英国退欧这样的协议不大可能治愈这些创伤。
- Indeed, to the extent that the referendum was a howl by the left-behind against rule by remote and uncaring elites, this form of Brexit could make those problems worse.
- 事实上,退欧公投在某种程度上是左派对遥远而冷漠的精英统治的抗议,这种形式的退欧可能会让这些问题变得更糟。
- Anger at unaccountable rulers would not be assuaged by a deal in which Britain followed orders from people it could not elect.
- 对不负责任的统治者的愤怒不会因为一项协议而得到缓解,在该协议中,英国听从了它不能选出来的人的命令。
- And those keen just to get the whole thing over with might find that Brexit marked only the beginning of national argument about the relationship with the behemoth next door.
- 而那些只想把事情办完的人可能会发现,英国退欧仅仅标志着围绕英国与隔壁巨头关系的全国性争论的开始。
- Nor is it clear that the democratic thing to do is to hold people to the result of a two-year-old, narrowly won referendum, when the consequence of the vote has turned out to be quite different from what many voters expected.
- 投票的结果与许多选民的预期大不相同,表明继续人民坚持两年、以微弱优势赢得公投的结果是否民主。
- Polls suggest that a small majority now prefers Remain to Leave; more might prefer Remain to a compromise like the deal on offer.
- 民意调查显示,现在有一小部分人倾向于留在欧盟而不是离开;更多的人可能更愿意继续留在欧盟,而不是像现有协议那样妥协。
- Almost all MPs want to respect the will of the people.
- 几乎所有的议员都想尊重人民的意愿。
- The question is whether the people's will found its perfect and enduring expression in 2016, or whether it might have changed.
- 问题是,人民的意志是否在2016年得到了完美而持久的表达,或者它是否已经发生了变化。
- There is no simple way out of this endgame.
- 没有简单的办法走出这一终局。
- Whether the Brexit deal is accepted or rejected, it will scar Britain for years.
- 不管英国脱欧协议是被接受还是被拒绝,它都会给英国留下多年的伤痕。
- And yet too many politicians are still grandstanding.
- 然而,仍有太多政客在哗众取宠。
- Some Brexiteers still pretend there is a Plan B that would deliver a painless exit.
- 一些退欧派人士仍在假设存在一种无痛脱欧的“B计划”。
- Labour is mainly concerned with forcing a general election.
- 工党主要关心的是强迫举行大选。
- That needs to change, and fast.
- 这需要改变,而且要快。
- This momentous decision must be made in the most reasoned way possible and with the maximum information available.
- 这一重大决定必须以最合理的方式作出,并提供尽可能多的资料。
- Politicians of all stripes have spent the past two years talking about the national interest.
- 在过去的两年里,形形色色的政客都在谈论国家利益。
- In the coming weeks they must weigh up where they think it lies.
- 在接下来的几个星期里,政客们必须权衡一下自己认为国家利益在哪里。

1.hangs over 使...忧虑
A constant threat of unemployment hangs over thousands of university researchers.
持续的失业威胁使数千名大学研究人员感到忧虑 。
2.pros and cons 赞成者和反对者
As a developer, you must weigh the pros and cons of having multiple languages in your application.
作为开发人员,必须权衡在同一应用程序中使用多种语言的优点和缺点 。
3.cover up 隐藏,掩盖
He suspects there's a conspiracy to cover up the crime.
他怀疑有掩盖这桩罪行的阴谋 。
4.weigh up 评价
Dutch experts believe this is because their subconscious minds were given the time to weigh up all the pros and cons.
德国专家认为这是因为他们潜意识有了时间权衡所有的利弊 。
重点单词 | 查看全部解释 | |||
enduring | [in'djuəriŋ] | |||
complicated | ['kɔmplikeitid] | |||
concerned | [kən'sə:nd] | |||
catastrophic | [.kætə'strɔfik] | |||
pretend | [pri'tend] | 联想记忆 | ||
application | [.æpli'keiʃən] | |||
keen | [ki:n] | |||
ignore | [ig'nɔ:] | 联想记忆 | ||
election | [i'lekʃən] | 联想记忆 | ||
control | [kən'trəul] |

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