When the police got to Mr. Werber, he went over to check Mr. Wax’s pulse. There wasn’t any. He followed the police out.
Later, he learned that Mr. Stein and Mr. Gottfried had also been killed.
"The three people who died are the heart of our congregation," said Stephen Cohen, 69, a co-president of New Light.
"They are the people who conducted our services, they did Torah readings, they managed the bimah. It’s a stab in the heart."
Mr. Werber and Ms. Black were taken to a police car, where they sat and listened to the drama on the police radio.
After that, they were moved to a pediatric facility across the street, and afterward to the Jewish Community Center.
When Mr. Werber was finally allowed to leave, he found that he was lost driving home on streets he had known his entire life.
"I couldn’t find my way home," he said.
Mr. Bowers, who had no criminal history, remained under guard in the hospital Sunday morning after having surgery, authorities said.
He was scheduled to make his first appearance before a federal judge on Monday at 1:30 p.m.
Federal officials charged him with 29 criminal counts,
included obstructing the free exercise of religious beliefs — a hate crime, which can carry the death penalty.
He also faces state charges.
News of the massacre prompted condemnation from around the world.
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Pope Francis led prayers for Pittsburgh on Sunday in St. Peter’s Square,
denouncing the "inhuman act of violence" and praying for an end to the “flames of hatred” that fueled it.
Mr. Trump ordered flags to fly at half-staff, after returning to Washington from Illinois on Saturday night.
On Sunday night, a cold rain pouring outside, thousands gathered for a standing-room-only vigil at the Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall in Pittsburgh.
Rabbis, ministers and other faith leaders spoke alongside officials from the city, the county, and the state of Israel.
Reuven Rivlin, the president of the state of Israel, appearing by video link, led the attendees in saying a mourner’s Kaddish.
Naftali Bennett, Israel’s education secretary, spoke in person about coming together and "saying no to hatred."
Mayor Peduto talked of driving anti-Semites “back to the basement on their computer
and away from the open discussions and dialogues around this city, around this state, and around this country.”
Mr. Werber, for his part, was not certain when he would be able to return to the synagogue he has considered an important part of his life for nearly 20 years.
"It’s our home," he said.
"But to be very honest, I’m going to have trouble walking into our sanctuary. It’s not a sanctuary anymore. Literally, it’s not a sanctuary anymore."