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BBC纪录片《我们的地球》 >
- Away from all land, the ocean.
- 远离一切陆地,海洋。
- It covers more than half the surface of our planet,
- 地球表面多半被海洋覆盖着,
- and yet for the most part it is beyond our reach.
- 至今海洋的许多地方我们还无法触及
- Much of it is virtually empty, a watery desert.
- 许多地方实际上很荒凉,水之荒漠。
- All life that is here is locked in a constant search to find food
- 这里的生命被迫不停寻找食物,
- a struggle to conserve precious energy in the open ocean.
- 在这广袤的大洋中只为获得宝贵的能量。
- The biggest of all fish, thirty tons in weight, twelve meters long, a whale shark.
- 这是最大的鱼类,30吨重,12米长,鲸鲨。
- It's huge bulk is sustained by mere microscopic creatures of the sea. Plankton.
- 它的巨大身躯上是靠吃一种很小的海洋生物长成的。浮游生物。
- Whale sharks cruise on regular habitual routes between the best feeding grounds.
- 鲸鲨经常在它的最好的进食地点之间洄游
- In February, that takes them to the surface waters far from the coast of Venezuela.
- 二月,鲸鲨从遥远的委内瑞拉海岸来到这片浅海。
- Others are already here.
- 这里已经有访客了。
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201809/565071.shtml