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来源:可可英语 编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Lord Stannis would be found in the Chamber of the Painted Table,
  • 史坦尼斯公爵此刻应是在“石鼓楼”上的图桌厅里。
  • atop the Stone Drum, Dragonstone's central keep, so named for the way its ancient walls boomed and rumbled during storms.
  • 石鼓楼是龙石岛的主堡,每逢暴风雨来临,它那古老的墙垣内部便会轰隆回响,因而得名。
  • To reach him they must cross the gallery,
  • 欲达该处,他们必须经过走廊,
  • pass through the middle and inner walls with their guardian gargoyles and black iron gates, and ascend more steps than Cressen cared to contemplate.
  • 通过筑有守护石像鬼的黑铁大门穿越中、内两道城墙,继而登上克礼森不愿细数的层层阶梯。
  • Young men climbed steps two at a time; for old men with bad hips, every one was a torment.
  • 年轻人一次可踏两级,然而对一个臀伤未愈的老人来说,每一步都是酷刑。
  • But Lord Stannis would not think to come to him, so the maester resigned himself to the ordeal.
  • 但史坦尼斯公爵毕竟不会移尊就教,老学士只有忍受这一切磨难,
  • He had Pylos to help him, at the least, and for that he was grateful.
  • 再怎么说,有派洛斯在旁扶持,他已十分感激。
  • Shuffling along the gallery, they passed before a row of tall arched windows with commanding views of the outer bailey, the curtain wall, and the fishing village beyond.
  • 他们沿着长廊缓缓行去,经过一排高大拱窗,视野可将外院、外城墙及彼方渔村尽收眼底。
  • In the yard, archers were firing at practice butts to the call of "Notch, draw, loose."
  • 院子里,弓箭手正随着“搭箭!拉弓!放!”的号令朝箭靶射击,
  • Their arrows made a sound like a flock of birds taking wing.
  • 箭声飕飕,彷如群鸟展翅。
  • Guardsmen strode the wallwalks, peering between the gargoyles on the host camped without.
  • 卫兵在城墙通道上大步巡逻,透过一个个石像鬼间的缝隙,向外窥探驻扎城畔的大军。
  • The morning air was hazy with the smoke of cookfires, as three thousand men sat down to break their fasts beneath the banners of their lords.
  • 营火炊烟袅袅,晨空雾气迷蒙,三千战士坐在自家主人的旗帜下吃早餐。
  • Past the sprawl of the camp, the anchorage was crowded with ships.
  • 越过占地广大的军营,便是船舶拥挤的港口,
  • No craft that had come within sight of Dragonstone this past half year had been allowed to leave again.
  • 过去半年来,任何驶进龙石岛视线范围内的船只都被扣留下来。


Lord Stannis would be found in the Chamber of the Painted Table, atop the Stone Drum, Dragonstone's central keep, so named for the way its ancient walls boomed and rumbled during storms. To reach him they must cross the gallery, pass through the middle and inner walls with their guardian gargoyles and black iron gates, and ascend more steps than Cressen cared to contemplate. Young men climbed steps two at a time; for old men with bad hips, every one was a torment. But Lord Stannis would not think to come to him, so the maester resigned himself to the ordeal. He had Pylos to help him, at the least, and for that he was grateful.


Shuffling along the gallery, they passed before a row of tall arched windows with commanding views of the outer bailey, the curtain wall, and the fishing village beyond. In the yard, archers were firing at practice butts to the call of "Notch, draw, loose." Their arrows made a sound like a flock of birds taking wing. Guardsmen strode the wallwalks, peering between the gargoyles on the host camped without. The morning air was hazy with the smoke of cookfires, as three thousand men sat down to break their fasts beneath the banners of their lords. Past the sprawl of the camp, the anchorage was crowded with ships. No craft that had come within sight of Dragonstone this past half year had been allowed to leave again.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
notch [nɔtʃ]


n. 刻痕,等级,峡谷 vt. 刻凹痕,用刻痕计算,计分

torment ['tɔ:ment,tɔ:'ment]


n. 苦痛,拷问
v. 使苦恼,拷问

grateful ['greitfəl]


adj. 感激的,感谢的

gallery ['gæləri]


n. 美术馆,画廊,顶层楼座,狭长的房间

resigned [ri'zaind]


adj. 认命的,顺从的,听任的 动词resign的过去

curtain ['kə:tən]


n. 窗帘,门帘,幕(布)
vt. (用帘)装

row [rəu,rau]


n. 排,船游,吵闹
vt. 划船,成排

flock [flɔk]


n. 一群(人,兽),大堆
v. 成群而行,聚

ascend [ə'send]


v. 上升,攀登

craft [krɑ:ft]


n. 工艺,手艺,狡诈,航空器,行会成员





