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来源:可可英语 编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • A fool will sing what he will, the maester told his anxious princess.
  • “随他去唱吧,”学士对惊惶的公主说,
  • "You must not take his words to heart.
  • “你别放在心上。
  • On the morrow he may remember another song, and this one will never be heard again."
  • 说不定他明天想起别的歌,你就再也不会听见这首了。”
  • He can sing prettily in four tongues, Lord Steffon had written...
  • 史蒂芬大人信上不是写了吗?他可以用四种语言引吭高歌……
  • Pylos strode through the door. "Maester, pardons."
  • 派洛斯走进来,“师傅,请恕我打扰。”
  • You have forgotten the porridge, Cressen said, amused. That was most unlike Pylos.
  • “你忘了我的燕麦粥啊。”克礼森十分诧异。这不像派洛斯啊。
  • Maester, Ser Davos returned last night. They were talking of it in the kitchen. I thought you would want to know at once.
  • “师傅,戴佛斯爵士昨晚回来了。厨房里都在谈论这事,我想立刻让您知道。”
  • Davos... last night, you say? Where is he?
  • “戴佛斯……你说昨晚上是吗?现下他人在哪里?”
  • With the king. They have been together most of the night.
  • “在陛下那里,他们彻夜共商大计。”
  • There was a time when Lord Stannis would have woken him, no matter the hour, to have him there to give his counsel.
  • 若是从前,无论何时,只要事情紧急,史坦尼斯公爵一定会叫醒他,要他列席旁听,提供建言。
  • "I should have been told," Cressen complained. "I should have been woken."
  • “怎么没通知我?”克礼森抱怨,“应该叫醒我的。”
  • He disentangled his fingers from Shireen's.
  • 他从希琳掌中抽离手指。
  • "Pardons, my lady, but I must speak with your lord father.
  • “殿下,请您原谅,但我要和您父亲陛下谈谈。
  • Pylos, give me your arm. There are too many steps in this castle, and it seems to me they add a few every night, just to vex me.
  • 派洛斯,麻烦你扶我一把,城堡里的楼梯实在太多了。我总觉得他们每晚还多添个两级,好像专为了找我麻烦。”
  • Shireen and Patchface followed them out,
  • 希琳和补丁脸跟着两人出了房门,
  • but the child soon grew restless with the old man's creeping pace and dashed ahead, the fool lurching after her with his cowbells clanging madly.
  • 但女孩很快便对老人的缓步慢行感到不耐,便快步跑到前面,弄臣亦步亦趋跛行在后,头顶牛铃发狂似的响个没完。
  • Castles are not friendly places for the frail, Cressen was reminded as he descended the turnpike stairs of Sea Dragon Tower.
  • 克礼森沿阶登上海龙塔的盘旋楼梯,深觉城堡对身体孱弱的人委实极不友善。


A fool will sings what he will, the maester told his anxious princess. "You must not take his words to heart. On the morrow he may remember another song, and this one will never be heard again." He can sing prettily in four tongues, Lord Steffon had written...

Pylos strode through the door. "Maester, pardons."
You have forgotten the porridge, Cressen said, amused. That was most unlike Pylos.
Maester, Ser Davos returned last night. They were talking of it in the kitchen. I thought you would want to know at once.
Davos... last night, you say? Where is he?
With the king. They have been together most of the night.

There was a time when Lord Stannis would have woken him, no matter the hour, to have him there to give his counsel. "I should have been told," Cressen complained. "I should have been woken." He disentangled his fingers from Shireen's. "Pardons, my lady, but I must speak with your lord father. Pylos, give me your arm. There are too many steps in this castle, and it seems to me they add a few every night, just to vex me.

Shireen and Patchface followed them out, but the child soon grew restless with the old man's creeping pace and dashed ahead, the fool lurching after her with his cowbells clanging madly.
Castles are not friendly places for the frail, Cressen was reminded as he descended the turnpike stairs of Sea Dragon Tower.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
castle ['kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡
v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易

vex [veks]


vt. 恼怒,使恼火

kitchen ['kitʃin]


n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间

amused [ə'mju:zd]


adj. 有趣的

counsel ['kaunsəl]


n. 商议,忠告,法律顾问
v. 商议,劝告

frail [freil]


adj. 脆弱的,虚弱的





