The confederacy fought desperately for a tie which would let it continue existing,
the union under President Abraham Lincoln refused to acknowledge the Confederacy's existence.
The union won the war but the xxx peace would take longer to resolve than the war itself.
In segment 26 C America at 100
26段第三部分 100岁的美国
The nearly broken nation fights to reconstruct itself the question was not whether to take the South back in but how.

The Republican Party split itself between moderate and radical wings, the radicals eventually got control of the reconstruction process
but the radicals rule was so drastic that the moderate republicans went over to the democrat's side insuring unfortunately that all the Southern ways would in fact prevail.
Blacks would remain free but they would definitely be second class citizens
thanks to the Homestead Act in the new transcontinental rail roads and another round of ethnic cleansing against Indians, the wide open spaces were filling up.
On the eve of the 20th century the American frontier was officially declared to be closed, where would America go next?