1. be shattered by 被……粉碎了
In 865 the relative peace of England was shattered by a new invasion.
在865年,英国的和平被新的入侵者粉碎 。
2. be weighed against 权衡
"This cost has to be weighed against the generated income," he said.
我们需要这种成本与产生的收益进行权衡 。” 他说 。
3. more often than not 通常
More often than not, bears can be found saving the human race from themselves.
熊熊们无数次拯救人类于水火之中 。
4. take a hit 受到冲击
Meanwhile, Mr. Obama's approval ratings appear to be taking a hit from the wave of controversies his administration is dealing with.
同时,由于奥巴马政府正在处理的争议事宜,他的支持率受到了冲击 。
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