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  • Now the other thing you'll notice about the top 10 there is,
  • 另外一件你注意到的前十名的事情是,
  • of course, they're all, apart from New Zealand, Western European nations.
  • 当然,除了新西兰以外,它们都是欧州国家。
  • They're also all rich. This depressed me,
  • 它们也很富有。这让我很沮丧,
  • because one of the things that I did not want to discover with this index is that
  • 因为我不想在这套数据中发现
  • it's purely the province of rich countries to help poor countries.
  • 纯粹是富国在帮助穷国。
  • This is not what it's all about. And indeed, if you look further down the list,
  • 这不是这个指数的含义。的确,如果你继续往下看名单,
  • I don't have the slide here, you will see something that made me very happy indeed,
  • 我并没有幻灯片,但你会发现一些让我非常愉快的事情,
  • that Kenya is in the top 30, and that demonstrates one very, very important thing.
  • 肯尼亚在前30名里,这表明了一件非常非常重要但事情。
  • This is not about money. This is about attitude. This is about culture.
  • 这与钱无关。这是态度问题。这是文化问题。
  • This is about a government and a people that care about the rest of the world
  • 这是那些政府和人民他们关注世界其他地区,
  • and have the imagination and the courage to think outwards instead of only thinking selfishly.
  • 并有想像力及勇气去向外看,而不只是自私的考虑自己。
  • I'm going to whip through the other slides just so you can see some of the lower-lying countries.
  • 我会很快的略过其他幻灯片,为了让你看到一些排在后面的国家。
  • There's Germany at 13th, the U.S. comes 21st, Mexico comes 66th,
  • 德国第13,美国第21,墨西哥第66,
  • and then we have some of the big developing countries, like Russia at 95th, China at 107th.
  • 然后我们看到一些发展中国家,俄罗斯第95,中国107。
  • Countries like China and Russia and India,
  • 像中国、俄罗斯、印度这样的国家,
  • which is down in the same part of the index, well, in some ways, it's not surprising.
  • 大概在排名在差不多的位置,从某种意义上来说并不让人吃惊。
  • They've spent a great deal of time over the last decades building their own economy,
  • 他们花很多时间,在过去的几十年中建立自己的经济系统,
  • building their own society and their own polity,
  • 建立他们自己的社会和体系,
  • but it is to be hoped that the second phase of their growth will be somewhat more outward-looking than the first phase has been so far.
  • 但我们希望是,他们发展的第二个阶段能够比第一阶段更看得远。
  • And then you can break down each country in terms of the actual datasets that build into it.
  • 然后你可以将每个国家按实际多数据集分开看。
  • I'll allow you to do that. From midnight tonight it's going to be on, and you can look at the country.
  • 我会让你这么做。从今天半夜开始它会在goodcountry.org上,你可以看看每个国家。
  • You can look right down to the level of the individual datasets.
  • 你可以直接看到每个层次的单个数据集。


全球化带来了一个意料之外的副作用:那些曾经只是地方性的问题--比如说,一家银行超额放贷--如今产生了影响全世界的后果。但每个国家仍然像唯一的星球一样独立运作。政策顾问Simon Anholt让政府开始向外考虑的空前设想:好国家指数。在这场精彩又幽默的演讲,他解答了“那个国家做的益事最多?”这个问题,结果可能出你所料(尤其是如果你住在美国或中国)。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
depressed [di'prest]


adj. 沮丧的,降低的,不景气的,萧条的,凹陷的,扁平

slide [slaid]


vi. 滑,滑动,滑入,悄悄地溜走
vt. 使





