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- Texas Air announced today that it will buy the troubled People Express Airlines for about a hundred and twenty-five million dollars.
- 德克萨斯航空公司今日宣布,将以大约一亿二千五百万美元的价格购买这个问题繁多的人民航空公司。
- The proposed deal would allow most People Express employees to keep their jobs,
- 这个被提起的交易将让大多数员工保留自己的工作岗位,
- although the company will eventually lose its identity and become part of Texas Air.
- 虽然该公司最终将失去其身份,成为德克萨斯航空的一部分。
- Federal officials must approve the merger.
- 联邦官员必须批准此次并购。
- Texas Air is also trying to buy Eastern Airlines.
- 德克萨斯航空也在试图并购东方航空公司。
- A rally on Wall Street today after six consecutive losing sessions, the Dow Jones Industrial Average ended the day up nearly nine points,
- 今天华尔街连续六次下跌后,道指琼斯工业指数当天上涨了近九点,
- to close at seventeen sixty-seven point fifty-eight.
- 收于1767.58点。
- What's being called a "freedom flight" of seventy former Cuban political prisoners landed in Miami today
- 被称为“自由飞行”的七十名前古巴政治犯在迈阿密登陆,
- to an ecstatic reception by thousands of relatives and well-wishers.
- 他们受到成千上万名亲戚及好心人的欢呼接待。
- The plane also carried forty-one relatives of former prisoners.
- 这架飞机还载着四十一名前囚犯的亲属。
- The flight culminated nearly two years of negotiations with the Castro regime.
- 这次飞行结束了与卡斯特罗政权近两年的谈判。
Texas Air announced today that it will buy the troubled People Express Airlines for about a hundred and twenty-five million dollars.
The proposed deal would allow most People Express employees to keep their jobs,
although the company will eventually lose its identity and become part of Texas Air.
Federal officials must approve the merger.

Texas Air is also trying to buy Eastern Airlines.
A rally on Wall Street today after six consecutive losing sessions, the Dow Jones Industrial Average ended the day up nearly nine points,
to close at seventeen sixty-seven point fifty-eight.
What's being called a "freedom flight" of seventy former Cuban political prisoners landed in Miami today
to an ecstatic reception by thousands of relatives and well-wishers.
The plane also carried forty-one relatives of former prisoners.
The flight culminated nearly two years of negotiations with the Castro regime.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201804/547613.shtml