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Listen to this 3 英语高级听力(MP3+中英字幕) 第10课(2)

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  • Israeli warplanes today bombed four suspected Palestinian guerrilla bases in Lebanon.
  • 以色列战机今日轰炸四个位于黎巴嫩的可疑巴勒斯坦游击队基地。
  • Reports from Beirut say at least two people were wounded and a number of fires started in the four villages.
  • 贝鲁特报道说,轰炸至少造成两人受伤,并引燃了四个村庄。
  • From Jerusalem, Jerry Cheslow filed this report which was subject to censorship by Israeli authorities.
  • 来自耶路撒冷方面消息,杰瑞·彻斯洛提交了这份报告,该报告由以色列当局进行审查。
  • According to the israeli army spokesman, the targets were bases belonging to two pro-Syrian Palestinian guerrilla organizations.
  • 据以色列军方发言人称,这些目标属于两个亲叙利亚的巴勒斯坦游击组织。
  • Israeli military sources say one of the targets was a staging base for raids against northern Israel.
  • 以色列军方消息人士称,其中一个目标是袭击以色列北部的基地。
  • Lebanese radio stations reported that at least two people were wounded in the attack south of Beirut
  • 黎巴嫩电台报告说,在贝鲁特南部的袭击中,至少有两人受伤,
  • and that Beirut International Airport was closed for half an hour.
  • 贝鲁特国际机场关闭了半小时。
  • Israeli military sources stress that the air raid had nothing to do with this week's tensions along Israel's border with Lebanon.
  • 以色列军方消息人士强调,空袭与本周以色列与黎巴嫩边界的紧张局势无关。
  • They were between the Shi'ite Muslim Hizbullah (Party of God) Militia and the Israeli-backed south Lebanese Army Militia.
  • 他们是真主党什叶派穆斯林民兵与以色列支持的南黎巴嫩民兵部队之间的冲突。
  • Over the past two weeks, large Hizbullah forces stormed dozens of South Lebanese Army positions.
  • 在过去的两个星期里,真主党的大部队袭击了几十个黎巴嫩南部的军队阵地。
  • Israeli military sources say that at least fifteen South Lebanese Army men and some fifty members of Hizbullah were killed.
  • 以色列军方消息称,至少有十五名黎巴嫩军人,及约五十名真主党成员被杀。
  • According to the sources the attacks also badly damaged the morale of the South Lebanese Army,
  • 据消息人士透露,这些袭击也严重挫伤了南黎巴嫩军队的士气,
  • and this led Israel to deploy a large force along its border with Lebanon.
  • 让以色列在其与黎巴嫩的边界,部署了一支庞大的部队。
  • The force included troops, armor and artillery,
  • 这支武装力量包括骑兵部队、装甲部队和炮兵部队,
  • and according to knowledgeable observers it was equipped for offensive action against Hizbullah.
  • 据博洽多闻的观察员说,该部队全副武装,准备应对真主党的进攻。
  • Senior Israeli defense sources say that hizbullah was trying to take over all of Southern Lebanon.
  • 以色列国防部高级消息人士称,真主党试图接管全部南黎巴嫩地区。
  • Hizbullah has also been attacking Unifil, the UN force in Southern Lebanon.
  • 真主党也一直在对联黎部队,即联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队进行攻击。
  • Over the past six weeks, four French Unifil troops were killed by Hizbullah,
  • 过去六周,四个法国联黎部队被真主党歼灭,
  • and just this morning a French UN base was rocketed in Southern Lebanon.
  • 法国联黎部队基地在黎巴嫩南部遭受火箭弹猛烈袭击。
  • There were no casualties, but some of its soldiers were blown off their seats.
  • 本次攻击没有造成人员伤亡,但有一些士兵从自己的座位上被震飞。
  • And the sources said that Hizbullah's domination of Southern Lebanon would be a direct threat to Israel.
  • 而消息人士称,真主党对南黎巴嫩地区的统治将直接威胁到以色列。
  • Some of its men who were killed were wearing kerchiefs with the words "Onward to Jerusalem" printed on them.
  • 其中一些被杀的人,戴了头巾,头巾上印着“向耶路撒冷进发”。
  • But since the Israeli troops deployed along the border three days ago, there have been no Hizbullah attacks on the South Lebanses Army.
  • 但由于以色列军队早在三天前就已在边界进行了部署,并没有真主党袭击南黎巴嫩军。
  • By nightfall here in the Middle East, the Israeli troops had returned to their bases.
  • 当夜幕在这片中东土地降临时,以色列军队已返回基地。
  • For National Public Radio, I'm Jerry Cheslow in Jerusalem.
  • 全国公共广播电台,我是杰瑞·彻斯洛,耶路撒冷报道。


Israeli warplanes today bombed four suspected Palestinian guerrilla bases in Lebanon.


Reports from Beirut say at least two people were wounded and a number of fires started in the four villages.


From Jerusalem, Jerry Cheslow filed this report which was subject to censorship by Israeli authorities.


According to the israeli army spokesman, the targets were bases belonging to two pro-Syrian Palestinian guerrilla organizations.


Israeli military sources say one of the targets was a staging base for raids against northern Israel.


Lebanese radio stations reported that at least two people were wounded in the attack south of Beirut and that Beirut International Airport was closed for half an hour.


Israeli military sources stress that the air raid had nothing to do with this week's tensions along Israel's border with Lebanon.


They were between the Shi'ite Muslim Hizbullah (Party of God) Militia and the Israeli-backed south Lebanese Army Militia.


Over the past two weeks, large Hizbullah forces stormed dozens of South Lebanese Army positions.



Israeli military sources say that at least fifteen South Lebanese Army men and some fifty members of Hizbullah were killed.


According to the sources the attacks also badly damaged the morale of the South Lebanese Army, and this led Israel to deploy a large force along its border with Lebanon.


The force included troops, armor and artillery, and according to knowledgeable observers it was equipped for offensive action against Hizbullah.


Senior Israeli defense sources say that hizbullah was trying to take over all of Southern Lebanon.


Hizbullah has also been attacking Unifil, the UN force in Southern Lebanon.


Over the past six weeks, four French Unifil troops were killed by Hizbullah, and just this morning a French UN base was rocketed in Southern Lebanon.


There were no casualties, but some of its soldiers were blown off their seats.


And the sources said that Hizbullah's domination of Southern Lebanon would be a direct threat to Israel.


Some of its men who were killed were wearing kerchiefs with the words "Onward to Jerusalem" printed on them.


But since the Israeli troops deployed along the border three days ago, there have been no Hizbullah attacks on the South Lebanses Army.


By nightfall here in the Middle East, the Israeli troops had returned to their bases.


For National Public Radio, I'm Jerry Cheslow in Jerusalem.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
domination [.dɔmi'neiʃən]


n. 支配,控制,管辖 (复数)dominations:

base [beis]


n. 基底,基础,底部,基线,基数,(棒球)垒,[化]碱

deploy [di'plɔi]


v. 展开,配置,部署

militia [mi'liʃə]


n. 民兵组织,义勇军,国民军

knowledgeable ['nɔlidʒəbl]


adj. 博学的,有见识的

censorship ['sensəʃip]


n. 检查制度

offensive [ə'fensiv]


adj. 令人不快的,侮辱的,攻击用的

threat [θret]


n. 威胁,凶兆
vt. 威胁, 恐吓

border ['bɔ:də]


n. 边界,边境,边缘
vt. 与 ... 接

defense [di'fens]


n. 防卫,防卫物,辩护
vt. 防守





