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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- Whereas now, zoom out. Evaluation thought, irrational.
- 但是现在,视野变窄,评估想法,非理性的影响
- And recover much more promptly. Dismissal of positives or negatives.
- 能更迅速地恢复。消除积极或者消极的影响
- So the person who has tunnel vision doesn't see the other 618 people who are engaged or asleep.
- 有隧道视野的人不会去留意其他618个专心听课或睡觉的人
- The person who dismiss the positives see those but says they're unimportant; they are trivial in comparison to
- 忽视了积极面的人看到那些,但说他们不重要,它们很微不足道
- how I just failed or what I just did wrong.
- 比起我的失败或我做的错事
- So for example, and this again, something that I...a trap that I often fall into.
- 比如,我经常会遇到的一个困境
- When I was a senior, I applied for fellowships and I got a fellowship to go to Cambridge.
- 我大四时申请了奖学金,我得到去剑桥的奖学金
- And I got the John Elliot Fellowship.
- 我得的是John Elliot奖学金
- And there are 4 fellowships that go to Cambridge: the John Elliot, the Fiske, um...one other...Pembroke; then there is the John Harvard fellowship.
- 剑桥有四个奖学金:John Elliot和Fiske还有Pembroke,还有一个是John Harvard奖学金
- So I got the John Elliot, one of the 4.
- 我得到了John Elliot奖学金,四个之一
- Immediately when I got it, I know that I got it obviously. It wasn't that I was ignoring it.
- 我得到后不久,我就得到消息了并不是我无视了它
- But then I said why didn't I get the John Harvard fellowship.
- 但我想为什么没能得到John Harvard奖学金
- Now there is no difference between them except for the name.
- 它们之间除名字不同外没任何区别
- But that's immediately what my mind went to.
- 但那是我的脑袋里立刻想到的
- And that, that was very important experience for me because I said "wow, look at you." and that's when I started to recognize
- 对我而言是很重要的经历,因为我说,“看看你。”我在那个时候开始意识到
- the importance and the power of our evaluation. And how that can determine or even ruin what should have been a celebration.
- 我们的评估的重要性和威力。它是怎样决定或甚至毁掉,本该是一件值得庆祝的事
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201803/547191.shtml