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BBC纪录片《我们的地球》 >
- There's no time to waste.
- 没有时间去浪费。
- A seed that may have fallen only a few days ago now bursts through the leaf litter.
- 几天前才落下的种子突然破土而出。
- With so many competitors, getting a good start is critical.
- 在这么多的竞争者面前,有一个好的开始非常重要。
- But each plant has its own particular strategy for making the most of this rare opportunity.
- 在这个难得的机会面前,每种植物都有自己非常独特的生长方式。
- The seeds of hardwoods are quick to germinate.
- 阔叶木发芽速度虽然不慢。
- But like the fabled tortoise, their strategy is to be slow and steady.
- 不过它们的策略还是稳扎稳打。
- Vines and other climbers put all their energy into rapid vertical growth rather than girth,
- 蔓生植物和攀爬植物一样,把全部的力量用于垂直生长,而不是横向生长,
- though they'll need to be well-supported.
- 尽管需要很好的对象支撑其生长。
- The climber's strategy looks chaotic but there's method in their madness.
- 对这些蔓生植物来说,疯长是它们唯一的思想。
- Their growing tips circle like lassoes searching out anchors for their spindly stems.
- 它们的生长锥如套索般圆形移动,来寻找可以攀援的物体。
- They put coils in their tendrils, so that if their support moves, they will stretch and not snap.
- 因此向支撑的树移动时,它们会伸展而不会断裂。
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201803/545412.shtml