However what you'll notice is you could usually relate to one or two of the 3Ms. Things that you do yourself.
So beyond the lookout ask yourself: "Where do I distort the reality? Where do I have distortion in terms of evaluation? In terms of my thought?"
That lead to certain negative emotions that are unnecessary, because if I restore rationality I will not feel the same emotion to the same degree.
So ask yourself when you look through the 3Ms.
The 3Ms...essentially the 3 traps of irrational thoughts. The first one is magnifying. It's exaggerating something that happens.
For example, you know induction is something very natural.
you know, a kid sees this and you know, we call it a stool and then they see another stool in the bar, when they go out at the age of one and then they
see another stool. After they see 20 stools they begin to form a concept they induce that this is a stool.
And now they see one even one that they have never seen before they know what it is.
Just like I see a person in the street whom I never encounter before
I know this is a person, because I induce from all the other events that happened before that this is also a person.
So that's induction. That's healthy. That's important. That's how we develop concepts and language.