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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- And finally, and this is the important thing we can learn it.
- 最后,这是我们能学会的重要的内容
- So we talk about right? The five-year Cambridge Somerville study that failed.
- 我们提过?五年的剑桥-萨默维尔研究失败了
- Well, Karen Reivich teaches these cognitive skills in a two week program.
- Karen Reivich在一个两周的项目中教授这些认知技巧
- And that two week program helps kids in inner cities, at risk population,
- 那个两周的项目旨在帮助市中心的危险人群中的孩子们
- reduce the likelihood of falling into the trap of depression, of drug abuse,
- 降低陷入忧郁和吸毒困境的可能性
- increases the likelihood of wellbeing and success in the long term just as a result of two weeks teaching them cognitive therapy or these techniques,
- 增加幸福的可能性这个为期两周的认知疗法或技巧的课程结果在长远看来是成功的
- so it's an accquired skill and this is the important thing about it.
- 所以这是可以学到的技能,这就是重要之处
- That doesn't mean its easy, doesn't mean you're just gonna hear a lecture now
- 不是说很容易,不是说你听了一次课
- for the, the next ten minutes I'm gonna describe some of the ideas and that's gonna change your life.
- 下面的十分钟我要讲一些概念就能改变你的生活
- You need to apply it, and you are going to apply it in the next two, next two classes, but you need to do more than that.
- 你要运用它,你们将要把它运用到之后两节,之后两节课中,但你们要做的更多
- So let me share with you a summary of cognitive therapy and this...the 3Ms is my acronym.
- 我给你们讲下认知疗法的概要,这三个M是首字母缩写
- And what I did there was to put together essentially the work of Karen Reivich whom I just mentioned,
- 我所做的是从本质上把我刚提到的Karen Reivich的成果
- the work of Martin Seligman, the work of Aaron Beck Seligman's teacher and the work of David Burns. Some of you may heard of him,
- Martin Seligman的成果,Seligman的老师Aaron Beck的成果,还有David Burns的成果,你们也许有人知道他
- The Feeling Good Handbook, who is also a student of Aaron Beck. So this is putting together
- 《好心情手册》的作者,也是Aaron Beck的学生,把他们的成果结合起来
- their work into 3Ms subdivided each into 2 suggestions. They're inter connected as you'll see.
- 成为三个M,每个M有二个建议,你们会看到它们互相有联系
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201803/545062.shtml