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权利的游戏 第1113期:第六十一章 珊莎(13)

编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • At the other end of the Street of the Sisters stood the fire-blackened ruins of the Dragonpit.
  • 静默姐妹街的另一端,耸立着烧得焦黑的龙穴废墟。
  • To the west, the swollen red sun was half-hidden behind the Gate of the Gods.
  • 西边,红色的夕阳被诸神门遮掩了一半。
  • The salt sea was at her back, and to the south was the fish market and the docks and the swirling torrent of the Blackwater Rush. And to the north...
  • 在她身后,是咸海汪洋。南面有鱼市、码头和浩荡奔涌的黑水河,北面则有……
  • She turned that way, and saw only the city, streets and alleys and hills and bottoms and more streets and more alleys and the stone of distant walls.
  • 她望向北方,只见城市、街道、巷弄、丘陵……更多的街道巷弄,以及远方的城墙。
  • Yet she knew that beyond them was open country, farms and fields and forests, and beyond that, north and north and north again, stood Winterfell.
  • 然而她知道,在这些尘世扰攘之外,是开阔的原野、农田和森林,在更北更北更北的地方,是临冬城,是家。
  • What are you looking at? Joffrey said. "This is what I wanted you to see, right here."
  • “你在看什么?”乔佛里道,“我要你看这个,这里。”
  • A thick stone parapet protected the outer edge of the rampart, reaching as high as Sansa's chin, with crenellations cut into it every five feet for archers.
  • 一堵厚厚的石砌胸墙环绕着壁垒外围,高及珊莎下巴,每隔五尺便有一个让弓箭手使用的雉堞。
  • The heads were mounted between the crenels, along the top of the wall, impaled on iron spikes so they faced out over the city.
  • 那些首级便位于城墙顶端的雉堞之间,插在铁枪尖端,面朝城市。
  • Sansa had noted them the moment she'd stepped out onto the wallwalk, but the river and the bustling streets and the setting sun were ever so much prettier.
  • 珊莎踏上城墙的那一刻便注意到了,但河滨景致、熙来攘往的街道和落日余晖是那么的美。
  • He can make me look at the heads, she told herself, but he can't make me see them.
  • 他可以逼我看,她告诉自己,但我可以视而不见。


At the other end of the Street of the Sisters stood the fire-blackened ruins of the Dragonpit. To the west, the swollen red sun was half-hidden behind the Gate of the Gods. The salt sea was at her back, and to the south was the fish market and the docks and the swirling torrent of the Blackwater Rush. And to the north...

She turned that way, and saw only the city, streets and alleys and hills and bottoms and more streets and more alleys and the stone of distant walls. Yet she knew that beyond them was open country, farms and fields and forests, and beyond that, north and north and north again, stood Winterfell.
What are you looking at? Joffrey said. "This is what I wanted you to see, right here."
A thick stone parapet protected the outer edge of the rampart, reaching as high as Sansa's chin, with crenellations cut into it every five feet for archers. The heads were mounted between the crenels, along the top of the wall, impaled on iron spikes so they faced out over the city. Sansa had noted them the moment she'd stepped out onto the wallwalk, but the river and the bustling streets and the setting sun were ever so much prettier. He can make me look at the heads, she told herself, but he can't make me see them.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
setting ['setiŋ]


n. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲

torrent ['tɔrənt]


n. 激流,山洪
adj. 奔流的,汹涌的

bustling ['bʌsliŋ]


adj. 忙乱的;熙熙攘攘的

rampart ['ræmpɑ:t]


n. 垒,壁垒,城墙 vt. 用壁垒围绕,防卫,守卫



n. 漩涡;涡流 adj. 打旋的 v. 打旋;眩晕;使





