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权利的游戏 第1116期:第六十一章 珊莎(16)

编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • This time the knight grasped her beneath the jaw and held her head still as he struck her.
  • 这回骑士打她时,用一只手紧紧托住她下巴。
  • He hit her twice, left to right, and harder, right to left.
  • 他一共打了两次,先打左边,然后更用力地打右边。
  • Her lip split and blood ran down her chin, to mingle with the salt of her tears.
  • 她的嘴唇整个破了,鲜血一直流到下巴,混杂着咸咸的泪水。
  • You shouldn't be crying all the time, Joffrey told her. "You're more pretty when you smile and laugh."
  • “你不要整天哭哭啼啼。”乔佛里告诉她,“你笑起来比较漂亮。”
  • Sansa made herself smile, afraid that he would have Sir Meryn hit her again if she did not,
  • 珊莎勉强挤出微笑,深恐若是不从,他又会叫马林爵士打她。
  • but it was no good, the king still shook his head. "Wipe off the blood, you're all messy."
  • 可惜她笑了还是没用,国王嫌恶地摇摇头:“把血擦掉,你这样难看死了。”
  • The outer parapet came up to her chin,
  • 外围的胸墙高到她下巴,
  • but along the inner edge of the walk was nothing, nothing but a long plunge to the bailey seventy or eighty feet below.
  • 但靠内的走道没有任何遮挡,距离下方的庭院足有七八十尺。
  • All it would take was a shove, she told herself.
  • 用力一推就成了,她告诉自己。
  • He was standing right there, right there, smirking at her with those fat wormlips.
  • 他就站在那里,就在那里,张着蠕虫般的嘴唇傻笑。
  • You could do it, she told herself. You could. Do it right now.
  • 你可以办到的,她告诉自己,你可以的,动手罢。
  • It wouldn't even matter if she went over with him. It wouldn't matter at all.
  • 即使跟他同归于尽也没关系,一点也没关系。
  • Here, girl. Sandor Clegane knelt before her, between her and Joffrey.
  • “过来,小妹妹。”桑铎·克里冈在她面前蹲下,正好挡在她和乔佛里之间。
  • With a delicacy surprising in such a big man, he dabbed at the blood welling from her broken lip.
  • 他轻轻地为她拭去自裂唇汩汩涌出的鲜血,动作出奇地温柔,令人很难与眼前的大个子联想在一起。
  • The moment was gone. Sansa lowered her eyes.
  • 时机稍纵即逝,珊莎垂下眼睛。
  • "Thank you," she said when he was done. She was a good girl, and always remembered her courtesies.
  • “谢谢。”他擦完之后,她向他道谢,因为她是个乖女孩,随时随地都要记得有礼貌。


This time the knight grasped her beneath the jaw and held her head still as he struck her. He hit her twice, left to right, and harder, right to left. Her lip split and blood ran down her chin, to mingle with the salt of her tears.

You shouldn't be crying all the time, Joffrey told her. "You're more pretty when you smile and laugh."
Sansa made herself smile, afraid that he would have Sir Meryn hit her again if she did not, but it was no good, the king still shook his head. "Wipe off the blood, you're all messy."
The outer parapet came up to her chin, but along the inner edge of the walk was nothing, nothing but a long plunge to the bailey seventy or eighty feet below. All it would take was a shove, she told herself. He was standing right there, right there, smirking at her with those fat wormlips. You could do it, she told herself. You could. Do it right now. It wouldn't even matter if she went over with him. It wouldn't matter at all.
Here, girl. Sandor Clegane knelt before her, between her and Joffrey. With a delicacy surprising in such a big man, he dabbed at the blood welling from her broken lip.
The moment was gone. Sansa lowered her eyes. "Thank you," she said when he was done. She was a good girl, and always remembered her courtesies.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
knight [nait]


n. 骑士,爵士,武士 vt. 授以爵位

plunge [plʌndʒ]


v. 使投入,跳入,栽进
n. 跳入,投入

split [split]


n. 劈开,裂片,裂口
adj. 分散的

shove [ʃʌv]


n. 推,挤
v. 推挤,放置,撞

delicacy ['delikəsi]


n. 柔软,精致,佳肴





