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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- So for example, an event, a lion is running toward me, my evaluation: oh my god, he's gonna eat me.
- 比如,事件,有只狮子向我奔来,我的评估,天,它要吃掉我
- The emotion: fear, and that of course leads to motion, run away or stand up bravely and fight the lion.
- 引发的情感是恐惧,然后自然就导致行动,逃跑或勇敢地和狮子搏斗
- Or, another one: I see an event, a gorgeous woman walking down the street, my evaluation:
- 或另一个例子,一个事件,一个美女在街上走,我的评估
- oh, it's my gorgeous wife, and the emotion: love.
- 是我的漂亮太太,引发的情感是爱
- Event, evaluation, thought, emotion, and then that leads to action.
- 事件,评估,思考,情感,然后导致行动
- What cognitive therapy says is that if we want to change emotions whether it's of depression, whether it's of anxiety,
- 认知疗法认为如果我们想改变情感,无论是忧郁或焦虑
- where we need to intervene is here, is that the level of evaluation and the level of thought.
- 我们要干预的是评估和想法层面
- And if we can change that, we also change our emotion.
- 如果能改变这个,我们的情感也随着改变
- Specifically, what cognitive therapy saying is that we need to restore sense of rationality,
- 特别地,认知疗法认为我们要恢复理性意识
- we need to restore the real, it's certainly not saying, let's say I have a, you know, a very important try out coming up and I get nervous.
- 我们要恢复真实,当然这不是说,比如,我有一个非常重要的试镜,我很紧张
- Cognitive therapy is not saying stop feeling nervous, let's change your evaluation or your thoughts,
- 认知疗法不是说停止紧张,我们改变你的评估,或你的想法
- because that's natural or I stand in front of a lion.
- 因为那是自然的,又或者我站在狮子面前
- It's natural, it's important, it's healthy to experience fear.
- 感到害怕是自然的,重要的,健康的体验
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201803/543176.shtml