What I do every time when I give a lecture is visualize.
I imagine myself stand in front of the audience, calm, excited, passionate.
And then when I go into the real thing, now I don't know if it is the real thing or I'm imaging, but I assume it's the real thing.
When I go into the real thing, I do feel that. I still get nervous, I still get anxious, but it's a healthy, excitement.
Raising my levels of beliefs, levels of confidence by practicing,
just like a flight... a pilot, you would hope... would practice in a simulator before they take you on across the Atlantic.
The mind as a simulator, this is why it works.
The key here, this is a mistake that many people make, whether it's athletics or whether it's in the,
a lot of the self-help books that talked about visualizations.
The key is to focused not just on the destination, Shelley Taylor, UCLA, did this research where she divided students in two random groups
One student imaging themselves getting an A on the exam and imagine it over and over again.
The second group, imaging themselves getting an A but also saw themselves work and persist in the library, prepare for it, and then, get to that final A.
The second group that imaging both the journey and the destination was much more successful, much better result in the exam.
So visualize the journey as well as the destination, this is your response paper for this week,
to visualize both your destination of getting there, your journey of getting there, as well as the destination itself.