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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- Our imagination, least for the brain is no different than the real thing.
- 我们的想象,至少对于大脑而言与现实没有区别
- Now, when I imagine success, what happens in a sense is that I'm creating a simulator for my mind.
- 当我想象成功时,从某种意义上说我在为大脑做一个模拟
- And I'm in a sense fooling my mind into thinking that this is the real thing.
- 我可以说是在欺骗大脑认为这是真的事情
- My mind doesn't know the difference between the two.
- 我的大脑不知道两者的区别
- Subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between the real thing and the imaginary thing.
- 潜意识无法区分真实的事物和假想的事物
- Now if I imagine success over and over again in my mind, remember what the mind does not like is inconsistency.
- 如果我在脑海中反复想象着成功,记住大脑不喜欢不一致性
- In other words, if I create success in my imagination
- 换句话说,如果我想象着成功
- and I persist with it, not just visualize it once or twice, but over and over again, the mind doesn't like inconsistencies.
- 并坚持不懈,不止设想一两次,而是一次又一次,大脑不喜欢不一致性
- And therefore, it will bring up the external reality to match this internal schema.
- 因此它会让外部现实和内心的想象相符
- Why? Because the mind doesn't know the difference in the real thing and imaginary thing. Just like Thomas,
- 为什么?因为大脑不知道真实的事物和假想的事物间的区别。就像托马斯,
- just like Roger Bannister run the four minutes a mile and after that,
- 就像罗杰·班尼斯特四分钟内跑完一英里,
- after that what happened was that everyone had a different schema:
- 在那之后,每个人都有了和以往不同的想法
- Oh, four minutes a mile is possible and 37 runners run it, over 300 runners run it the following year.
- 四分钟跑完一英里是可能的,然后37人成功了,第二年超过300人实现了
- Because they had a difference schema: we can do exactly the same thing through the simulator.
- 因为他们有了不同的想法:我们可以通过场景模拟做到同样的事情
- Cause the mind doesn't know the difference in the real thing and the imaginary thing.
- 因为大脑无法区分真实的事物和假想的事物
- Doesn't work all the time, doesn't work a hundred percent of the time, but it works a great deal.
- 不是总能成功,不是百分之一百管用,但很多时候都很管用
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201802/541591.shtml