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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- So what I want to move on to now and just finish up on is how do we become more of an optimistic.
- 我现在要说的是我们如何变得更乐观
- So we talked about the virtues, we talked about longevity, people who are optimistic actually live longer.
- 我们谈过优点,谈过长寿,乐观的人实际上活得更久
- We talked about higher levels of success, higher levels of happiness, more likely to overcome depression.
- 我们谈过更高水平的成功,更高程度的快乐更能克服忧郁
- People who are optimistic are eight times less likely to be depressed; they are much more likely to be happy.
- 乐观的人患上忧郁的机会是八分之一,他们会更快乐
- And again, optimism as an interpretation style, not as a Pollyannaish feel-good kind of approach.
- 再说一遍,乐观是指诠释的方式,而不是盲目地自我感觉良好的方式
- So how do we become more of an optimism? I want to talk about three techniques.
- 我们如何变得更加乐观?我想谈谈三个方法
- First is to take action, to just do it, to put ourselves on the line.
- 首先是采取行动,尽管去做,把自己置于风险之上
- Second, I'm going to talk about the power of imagination, visualization,
- 第二点,我要讲想象力,形象化的力量,
- many of you are familiar with that, especially athletes as, as a technique. So we'll talk about that technique.
- 你们许多人熟悉这点,尤其对运动员而言,作为一项技巧,我们要谈论这个技巧
- And finally, cognitive therapy, which at least according to research, is the most successful, most effective
- 最后一点是认知疗法,至少研究表明,是当今最成功的,最有效的
- therapeutic intervention out there today, so we'll talk about some of the basics and summarize those.
- 治疗干预手段,我们要讲一些基本要素并进行归纳
- So let me begin with action, this is based on research by Albert Bendura, you'll read about self-efficacy,
- 我们先说行动,这是基于阿尔伯特·班德拉的研究,你们会了解到自我效能
- his concept basically the idea of having strong believes and
- 他的基本概念上是要有坚定的信念,
- he just made it more academic, more scientific and researched for many years and we talked about many benefits of self efficacy.
- 他将它描述得更学术化,更科学化,并研究了数年,我们谈过自我效能的许多益处
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201801/538111.shtml