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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- And I may derive the conclusion about myself in exactly the same way.
- 我可能也是用同样的方式推出关于自己的结论
- By seeing myself behaving a certain way, I reach a conclusion about my self-esteem or benevolence or generosity or whatever it is.
- 通过观察自己某些方式的行为,我会得到关于自己自尊或者仁慈或者慷慨或者其他方面的结论
- Self perception theory. And if I cope, if I try things out then I see that this is a person with courage.
- 自我知觉理论,如果我面对了,我尝试了那我就认为这是一个有勇气的人
- This is a person who tries. And my conclusion about myself would be oh, I must have high self-esteem.
- 这是一个敢于尝试的人得到关于自己的结论就是我肯定有很高的自尊
- And my self-esteem as well as happiness level overtime will actually increase.
- 我的自尊还有幸福水平久而久之就会上升
- Self perception theory. We derive conclusion about ourselves in the same way we derive conclusion about others.
- 自我知觉理论。我们得出关于自己的结论和我们得出关于他人的结论的方式是一样的
- Meaning by looking at behavior.
- 就是通过观察行为
- When we fail after coping we realize that the actual pain
- 我们在面对失败后会意识到
- that comes with failure is far less than the pain we imagine and that we associate with failure.
- 真正来自于失败的痛苦远小于我们想象的,我们认为与失败有关的痛苦
- Oh, I just got over it. Okay, so I didn't do well in here or she said no. but I got over it.
- 我克服失败,是的,我是没做好或者她是拒绝了我,但我克服了
- Whereas I imagine it in my mind I think it'll last forever.
- 但我一直在想的话,我就会认为它将一直持续
- Just like those tenured or not tenured professors thought that their pay will last forever whereas it goes away.
- 正如那些终身职位或者非终身职位的教授以为他们的薪水将永远不变,其实并非如此
- So when I realize the pain of actual failure is far less than the pain associated with failure,
- 所以当我意识到实际上的痛苦比和失败有关的痛苦远远要小时
- I become more confident. I can handle it.
- 我变得更自信了,我能应付了
- I'm actually much more resilient than I thought I was.
- 我实际上比自己想象中要更有适应力
- And my self-esteem increases.
- 我的自尊水平上升了
- My happiness as a result increases too.
- 我的快乐水平也随之升高
- And finally there is more success because there is no other way to succeed. There is no other way in terms of learning how to walk.
- 最后还有更多的成功,因为成功别无二法。学习走路没有别的方法
- There is no other way in terms of succeeding in art or in science or in business or in politics.
- 在艺术上或科学上或商业上或政治上取得成功没有别的方法
- Learn to fail or fail to learn. I'll see you on Thursday.
- 学习失败,从失败中学习,我们星期四再见
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201801/536976.shtml