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- We also then went to look at what are these molecules -- these were the red triangles on my slides before.
- 我们同时也研究了这些小分子,这些就是我刚才幻灯上的小红三角形。
- And so this is the Vibrio fischeri molecule. This is the word that it talks with.
- 这个是费氏弧菌的小分子。也就是它们用以交谈的文字。
- So then we started to look at other bacteria, and these are just a smattering of the molecules that we've discovered.
- 我们开始研究其他细菌,这些是部分我们已发现的小分子。
- And what I hope you can see is that the molecules are related.
- 我希望你们看得出来,这些分子之间是有关联性的。
- So the left-hand part of the molecule is identical in every single species of bacteria.
- 每种细菌,它们的小分子的左半部都是完全相同的。
- But the right-hand part of the molecule is a little bit different in every single species.
- 只是在右半部则因菌种的不同而有少许的不同。
- And what that does is to confer exquisite species specificities to these languages.
- 这个发现证实细菌的语言有高度的专一性。
- So each molecule fits into its partner receptor and no other.
- 每一种分子只能与其相对受器结合,非常专一。
- So these are private, secret conversations. These conversations are for intraspecies communication.
- 所以这些交谈是私下的、秘密的。这种交流是只限于同种族内部的沟通。
- Each bacteria uses a particular molecule that's its language that allows it to count its own siblings.
- 每一种细菌使用其特殊分子代表它的语言,让它能够计算同类的数量。
- And so once we got that far we thought we were starting to understand that bacteria have these social behaviors.
- 一旦我们了解这些,我们也开始了解细菌有所谓的社交行为。
- But what we were really thinking about is that most of the time bacteria don't live by themselves,
- 但我们真正思考的问题是,在多数情况下,细菌并不是单独生活的,
- they live in incredible mixtures, with hundreds or thousands of other species of bacteria.
- 它们居住的地方是鱼龙混杂的,它们跟其它成百上千种的细菌同居一处。
- And that's depicted on this slide. This is your skin. So this is just a picture -- a micrograph of your skin.
- 这张幻灯可以说明这个情形:这是你的皮肤。这是一张照片,是你皮肤的显微照片。
- Anywhere on your body, it looks pretty much like this, and what I hope you can see is that there's all kinds of bacteria there.
- 在你身体的任何地方,看上去都会和这差不多。我希望你能看出,这里有各种不同的细菌。
- And so we started to think if this really is about communication in bacteria,
- 因此我们开始思考,如果这真的是细菌间的交流,
- and it's about counting your neighbors, it's not enough to be able to only talk within your species.
- 计算与之相邻的同种细菌的数量,只跟同种细菌沟通是不够的,
- There has to be a way to take a census of the rest of the bacteria in the population.
- 它们一定有某种跟周围其他种细菌和平共处的方法。
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201712/536034.shtml