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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- Passion, love for what they were doing. And hard work.
- 热情,热爱他们从事的事业,并且勤奋工作
- There is no substitute for hard work as Edison said.
- 正如爱迪生所说,没有什么能代替勤奋
- These 3 components. The secret... simple, straighforward. You know it all. Remember what I said during 2nd class.
- 这三个要素,就是这个秘密……很简单,很明确。你们都知道,还记得我第2次课上说的么
- I'm not going to teach you much new.
- 我不会教你们新的知识
- I hope to remind you what you already know.
- 我希望使你们想起你们已经知道的知识
- Optimism, passion and hard work.
- 乐观,热情和勤奋
- Does luck play a role? Absolutely.
- 那运气是否也有作用呢?当然了
- Jefferson, "I am a great believer in luck, and I find that the harder I work, the luckier I get."
- 杰斐逊说“我非常相信运气,我发现我越努力工作,我的运气就越好"
- There is actually science behind luck.
- 运气背后实则也有科学奥妙
- And you'll read about it in the Luck Factor.
- 你们会在《幸运要素》里读到
- Where people who have these 3 components, who believe they can do well, who love what they do and work hard, actually find more luck.
- 在书中,拥有这三要素的人,相信自己能成功的人,热爱自己的工作并勤奋努力的人,事实上获得了更多的运气
- In the words of Thoreau in Common Hours.
- 用梭罗的话说就是不经意间有了更多的运气
- Okay, so why don't all the parents teach us to have high expectations? If it's so good for us,
- 好的,那么为什么不是所有的家长都教我们要有高的期望呢?如果这对我们来说有好处
- if it's related to success, to happiness, to physical well-being,
- 如果这和成功有关,和幸福,和身体健康有关的话
- why don't all our parents just say to us whatever we work, you can succeed, you can do it. If you dream about it, you can do it.
- 为什么不是所有家长都对我们说不管你们做什么,你都能成功,你都做到。如果你梦想,你就能做到
- Why did very often parents and people who care about us lower our expectations?
- 为什么父母和其他关心我们的人常常要降低我们的期望呢?
- Because they are concerned about our happiness.
- 因为他们关心我们的快乐水平
- They are concerned about our self esteem.
- 他们关心我们的自尊
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201712/534948.shtml