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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- But as we talked about... And as we'll talk about in a few minutes, it doesn't matter that much.
- 但就像我们谈到的那样……我们接下来会谈到,这也没太大关系
- Because even if we don't success we just bounce back up.
- 因为即使没有成功,我们能很快恢复动力
- And continue working hard.
- 继续努力工作
- The key though is as much as possible, to attain this balance.
- 而关键就是尽可能地保持平衡
- What Maslow calls The Graceful Integration between high level of beliefs and connection to reality.
- 这就是马斯洛所说的高水平信念和与现实联系间的完美整合
- No prescription here.
- 这个不是答案
- But just a heuristic, something to keep in mind.
- 只是一个启发,让你们记在脑子里
- Positive thinking is not THE secret.
- 积极的思考不是秘密本身
- Yes, it's part of the secret.
- 是的,它是这个秘密的一部分
- Yes, it's part of the success formula. It's part of the happiness formula. But it's not all.
- 是的,它是成功公式的一部分,它是幸福公式的一部分,但并非全部
- False optimism sooner or later means disillusionment, anger and hopelessness.
- 错误的乐观主义迟早意味着幻灭,愤怒和无望
- Here is the secret of success. This is the secret proven by research.
- 成功的秘密是,这是一个经研究证实的秘密
- Thousand of years of research and successful people in different cultures, in different places and in different ages.
- 多年对不同文化,不同地方,不同年龄的成功人士的研究
- It's optimism, passion and hard work.
- 这个秘密是乐观,热情和勤奋
- It'll be very hard for you to find successful men and women through out history who did not have all three.
- 纵观历史,你很难找到哪个成功人士是不具备这三个品质的
- Optimism, belief, faith that they can do well, that they can succeed.
- 乐观,信念,坚信他们能做好,坚信他们能成功
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201712/534947.shtml