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15,000 Scientists Issue ‘Warning to Humanity’
Over 15,000
scientists have signed a letter to humanity that warns of catastrophic consequences for the earth,
including vast human misery for our rapidly growing population.
This is a follow-
up letter to an original warning that 1,700
scientists issued exactly 25
years ago.
Every threat to the earth has worsened since the original letter except the hole in the ozone layer which has improved.
The letter warns that it will soon be too late to prevent mass extinction,
dead zones in the ocean,
and a lack of fresh food and water.
In addition to the warning,
the letter offers suggestions for preventing this fate,
including phasing out the investment and use of fossil fuels and eating more plant-
based foods.

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201711/532265.shtml