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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- However, the interpretation, because of high levels of beliefs,
- 但是,由于信念水平很高,他们的解释
- the subjective interpretation is, OK, so, what if I learn from it? This is an opportunity; I've actually got better this time.
- 其主观的解释是,好吧,如果我从中吸取教训了会怎么样?这是个机会,我这次其实做得有进步了,
- What if I learn? And they still have high levels of beliefs and high levels of expectations.
- 就当吸取教训了,他们依然保持着很高的信念,很高的期望
- Motivation is high, the mind looks for consistency, they perform, still not good, not as good as they expected, unrealistic.
- 积极性很高,大脑寻求积极性,他们的表现依然不好,没有他们所期望的那么好,不现实
- But the interpretation, still, what if I learn from it?
- 但解释依然是,如果我从中吸取教训了会怎么样?
- I've gone even better this time.
- 我这次做得好多了
- I've shown what doesn't work. And they continue.
- 我指出了哪些方法是不可行的,然后他们继续
- But then comes the quarrels from the outside and says,
- 但然后外界的声音就会争吵说
- "come on, really, why can't you be realistic, like your good brother or sister, the pessimist."
- “不是吧,真的么,你为什么就不能现实点,像你的好兄弟或者好姐妹,悲观主义者那样”
- But they believed that they can do it, and they continue to persist and to work hard again and again.
- 但是他们相信他们能做到,于是一次又一次地继续坚持,继续努力工作
- 5 times, 10 times, sometimes 5000 even 10000 times,
- 5次 10次,有时5000次,甚至10000次
- until they bring the "unrealistic reality" and make it realistic to match their beliefs over time.
- 久而久之,直到他们带来了"不现实的现实"并让它成真,和他们的信念相一致了
- So even though in the short term, the reality may not match,
- 所以即使在短期看来,现实可能不一致
- I may run the mile for the next 10 years in 4 minutes and 12 seconds or 4 minutes and 2 seconds.
- 我可能接下来10年跑一英里都要4分12秒或者4分2秒
- But I'll get there eventually and make my unrealistic "expectations" and goals realistic.
- 但我终将到达目标,让我不现实的"期望"和目标变成现实
- Through a lot of failure, through a lot of hard work, through a lot of persistence.
- 经历很多失败,经历很多努力付出,经历很多坚持不懈
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201711/529579.shtml