n. 沉溺,上瘾
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- I had a very front-row seat to that struggle.
- 而我正是这种感受的亲历者。
- My family has been part of that struggle for a very long time.
- 我的家庭长期以来一直经历着这种彷徨挣扎。
- I come from a family that doesn't have a whole lot of money.
- 我生于一个不甚富裕的家庭。
- The addiction that plagued my community also plagued my family, and even, sadly, my own mom.
- 而在我们社区,蔓延的毒品问题同样伤害到了我的家庭,很不幸,是我的母亲。
- There were a lot of problems that I saw in my own family, problems caused sometimes by a lack of money,
- 我亲眼见到了家里的很多问题,这些问题的起因,有的是因为缺钱,
- problems caused sometimes by a lack of access to resources and social capital that really affected my life.
- 有的是因为缺乏社会资源和人脉,而这对我的影响很大。
- If you had looked at my life when I was 14 years old and said, "Well, what's going to happen to this kid?"
- 如果你见过我14岁时过得怎么样,并问到,“这孩子将来会怎么样?”
- you would have concluded that I would have struggled with what academics call upward mobility.
- 你也许会认为我会挣扎着往上爬,学术界管这叫“向上流动”。
- So upward mobility is an abstract term, but it strikes at something that's very core at the heart of the American Dream.
- 向上流动是一个抽象的术语,但它触及到了美国梦最核心的部分。
- It's the sense, and it measures whether kids like me who grow up in poor communities are going to live a better life,
- 它是一个标准,能衡量那些像我一样家境贫寒的孩子能不能过上好日子,
- whether they're going to have a chance to live a materially better existence,
- 是不是有机会过上衣食无忧的生活,
- or whether they're going to stay in the circumstances where they came from.
- 还是说会继续贫穷下去。
- And one of the things we've learned, unfortunately, is that upward mobility isn't as high as we'd like it to be in this country,
- 但不幸的是,我们了解到,在美国,向上流动并没有我们想象的那么容易,
- and interestingly, it's very geographically distributed. So take Utah, for instance.
- 而且有趣的是,它跟地域有很大的关系。就拿犹他州来说。
- In Utah a poor kid is actually doing OK, very likely to live their share and their part in the American Dream.
- 在犹他州,一个穷孩子可能会过得还好,很有可能在美国梦中找到自己的位置。
- But if you think of where I'm from, in the South, in Appalachia, in southern Ohio, it's very unlikely that kids like that will rise.
- 但如果在我的家乡,南部的一些州,阿巴拉契亚地区,俄亥俄州南部,穷孩子可能就没什么出路。
- The American Dream in those parts of the country is in a very real sense just a dream.
- 从某种意义上来说,美国梦在这些地方可能真的就只是个梦。


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