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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- One of his mantras, "I failed my way to success."
- 他的一条名言是"我从失败走向成功"
- It is no coincidence that Edison, by far the most creative and productive scientific genius of all time. He patented 1097 patents in his career.
- 爱迪生是史上最富创造力最多产的科学家这并不是巧合,他一生申请了1097项专利
- Much of our world looks the way it looks, thanks to him.
- 当今世界的发展,大半要归功于他
- No coincidence, but the most successful, creative scientist in history is also, as far as we know, the scientist who had failed the most times.
- 史上最成功最富创造力的科学家也是失败次数最多的科学家,这并不是巧合
- Research by Dean Simonton, we'll talk about it more depth when we talked about perfectionism.
- 还有迪安·西蒙顿的研究,等我们谈到完美主义时会精讲
- Research by Dean Simonton shows that the most successful scientists and artists through our history were also the ones who failed the most times.
- 迪安·西蒙顿的研究证明,史上最成功的科学家与艺术家也是失败次数最多的
- No coincidence that "Babe" Ruth, who hit during many of the years when he played the most homeruns, also hit the most strike outs.
- “贝比”鲁斯是职业生涯中全垒打次数最多的球手,他也是三振出局最多的
- In five of these seasons, was strike out the most times rather.
- 其中有5个赛季,三振出局次数最多
- The most successful people in history are also very often, the people who had failed the most times.
- 史上最成功的人往往是失败次数最多的
- This is a sentence that I'll repeat it over and over again in the class and here it is: learn to fail, or fail to learn.
- 这一句话我会反复在课堂上重复:学会失败,从失败中学习
- Learn to fail, or fail to learn, there is no other way to succeed.
- 学会失败,从失败中学习,成功别无他法
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201710/528578.shtml