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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- The entire scientific community or much of it was working on that, on that issue, with no success, Thomas Edison being no exception.
- 整个科学界都在研究这一课题,但一无所获,爱迪生也不例外
- A journalist from one of the local papers came to Thomas Edison to interview.
- 当地报纸的一名记者前去采访爱迪生
- He was already famous by then, he invented many things.
- 他当时已经非常有名了,发明了很多东西
- And they were talking about various things and then they got to talk about the light bulb.
- 他们谈了各种话题,然后开始讲灯泡问题
- And the journalist said to Edison, "Mr. Edison, you've been working on the light bulb for many years.
- 那个记者对爱迪生说:“爱迪生先生您致力于灯泡研究许多年了
- The rest of the scientific community has been working on it, to no avail."
- 整个科学界都在进行相同研究,但毫无所获”
- Now at that point Thomas Edison had conducted 5000 experiments,
- 当时爱迪生已经进行了5000次实验
- so, and the journalist knew that so he told Edison, "Mr. Edison, you've conducted 5000 experiments, and you failed 5000 times. Give it up."
- 这位记者也知道,于是他对爱迪生说:“爱迪生先生,您已经进行了5000次实验,失败了5000次,放弃吧”
- Now Thomas Edison, some of you may know was also hard of hearing, in fact one of his patents was a hearing aid.
- 你们可能知道,爱迪生听力不好,事实上,他有一项专利就是助听器
- So he said to the journalist, " Excuse me, what did you say?"
- 所以他对记者说"你说什么
- The journalist said, "well, I said you failed 5000 times, give it up."
- 那个记者重复:“我说你失败了5000次,放弃吧”
- So Edison responded, "I didn't fail 5000 times.
- 爱迪生回答:“我没有失败5000次
- I succeeded 5000 times.
- 是成功了5000次
- I succeeded in showing what doesn't work."
- 我成功证明了哪些方法行不通”
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201710/528225.shtml