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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- I have a schema about my ability in mathematics that I might be a good mathematician, that I have potential in this area or not.
- 图式认为我的数学能力,我可能是个优秀的数学家,我在这一领域是否有潜力
- I also have the schema about other people. I like this person.
- 对其他人的态度也有图式,我喜欢这人
- That person is a nice person versus this person is just not nice, cruel.
- 那人真好,还是那人不好,残忍
- So we have schemas about other people, about ourselves, about natural phenomenon.
- 所以我们对他人,对自己,对自然现象,都有图式
- This is inside, the schema.
- 图式就是内在
- And then, there is the outside world.
- 还有外部世界
- In the outside world, actual things take place. For example, when this is left in middle air, it falls.
- 现实发生在外部世界,比如,半空中我松开手,它就会掉下来
- This is, has nothing to do with my schema.
- 这一事实与我的图式无关
- It's outside. It happens regardless of my schema.
- 它发生在外部世界,不管我的图式如何
- Now I have certain potential in mathematics regardless of my schema.
- 我在数学上的实际潜力也与我的图式无关
- A certain person behaves generously and benevolently toward other people or in a hateful manner toward other people regardless of my schema.
- 某个人对他人是慷慨仁慈还是可憎无礼也与我的图式无关
- So there is what's inside and what is outside, and here is the key point.
- 所以内部和外部两个因素共同作用就是关键
- You see, the mind dose not like when there is a discrepancy between what is inside and what is outside.
- 我们的精神不喜欢内部与外部存在差异
- The mind likes when there is consistency, congruence between the two,
- 我们的精神喜欢两者一致相合
- and if there is no congruence, if there is no consistency, then we experience a sense of dissidence, then we experience disease.
- 如果不相合,如果不一致,我们就会产生异议感,觉得不适
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201710/526584.shtml