Hey everybody, it's Gary Vaynerchuk and this is my 120, remember that you know, 120 seconds of my thoughts.
I want to talk to you guys about what I've been giving a lot of thought to, I just want on this amazing two-week trip
and it hit me exactly what I'm about, what I want to accomplish
and I'm hoping you could take a little snippet from this and realize the power in it.
I've come to realize through my two-week journey of 10 flights over 12 days
and through my interactions and my overwhelmings of Emails and interaction that I've come to realize
it's the way I score life that is giving me this competitive advantage and bringing me all this happiness.
Then, let me break it down to what I mean is it's not about how many viewers you have or analytics or the click-throughs,
or the CTRs or CPMs are all that crap. And it's really not about your bank account either.
It's about the connections you make with humans. It's why you guys are all watching this video in the first place.
This internet thing is connecting us in a way that's never been connected before and so what I realized is
I'm not collecting monies or baseball cards anymore. I'm collecting relationships and that is my mission.
My new mission of life and I know it's not scalable, but I'm gonna fight like heck like everything else
is to meet every single person on earth. Silly? Yes. My goal, yes.
那就是认识地球上的所有人,你会觉得疯了对吗? 的确是很疯狂的想法,这就是我的目标,很疯狂对吧。
I think what people realize is and what I've always realized and I think I hope you can come to realize
is when you're laying on your deathbed and I hate to get that grim, but this is how I live my life.
When you're laying on your deathbed,I just don't think you're gonna care about the dollars and cents of your bank account,

or what you're leaving in your will. It's going to be about the memories right?
And I don't think it's about the memories of you on your yacht
with like six models whether they're male or female right, pop and crystal.
I don't, I think it's gonna be out the genuine connections you've made through your life
and though it may even be for a minute or two when I go to a wine bar like CorkScrew in Texas
or when I do something at sea conference and talk to everybody afterwards.
It's not about anything other than that minute or two of quality time and you can have it in a minute or two
that is really driving me. The rooting for the other people that come to me and saying I love what you're doing,
I'm gonna do this. The sand castle guy, the lawyer that I just talked to that want to be America's lawyer the Darker Philp.
Rooting for those people, touching those people, meaning those people I think is imperative.
And so my new mission in life is to meet every single person I can, spend a minute or two
and the new way I am going to count, score in life is going to be about personal connections,
not about the decimal points in my bank account. Have a great day!