Flip Mino, cool! Hi, everybody it's Gary Vaynerchuk
“Flip Mino”随身摄像机很酷,大家好我是加里,
and you know I was just sitting here, I just sorry, I just got finished taping my tequila episode.
I was sitting at my computer and I just realized like,
a lot of people ask me a lot about business questions, like how do you build your brand,
how do you build your business, how do you get, how do you build a 50 million dollar wine shop,
or how did the show get so big dadadada.
I've come to realize something that I, I'm really taken aback by and I think it's one of the fundamental ground,
you know foundations of building any business or doing any entrepreneurial venture
and that is the statement of this video, the statement that I live by it's better than zero.
I think way too many people are always going so global in their mind. When's it gonna happen? Lack of patience, right?
我觉得现在的问题是人们太过于心高气傲,总会问什么时候能够成功? 他们缺少耐心对吗?
I think when you're building something even when you know you're big, I think about, you know when I built the wine shop,
when I built the wine show, when I've done other things in business, in my mind you know I was Oprah,
I was you know Facebook, I was Google, I was you know the Jets.
I was it. I did my thing. I knew what I had in my DNA. I knew what I had in my skill set. I knew what I brought to the table,
but the world didn't. The world didn't right? Mark? Mark is here for garyvaynerchuk.com.today. It's fun.
但是其他人不知道对吗? 是不是马克? 马克今天为我们录制“garyvaynerchuk.com”节目。
You know, the world didn't know who I was and I had to earn it and even though I already built this
50 million dollar business in the liquor store industry.
When I got to the Web 2.0 space to video content,nobody gave a crap right? Nobody cares that you're a big time lawyer.
但当我在“Web 2.0”时代录制节目时,有谁会在意我? 有谁会在意你是不是金牌大律师。
Nobody cares that you sold off this. You've got to re-earn it.
And when you're re-earning it and you've already done well or if you've come from nothing. One or two, the two extremes.
It's very hard to take minor victories but that is the key to success.
You know getting one little link. I still do things now that are "below me",
that a lot of people in my market, a lot of people are like why do you answer every email? Why do you do that? You know,
许多行业人士问我你为什么要回复每一封电邮? 你为什么干这个为什么干那个?
my friend Andre Mack just had a baby. It's awesome. Anyway why do, why do, why, why would you do,

why would you agree to do that blog post? People always ask me that.
你为什么要在博客上发帖子? 人们总是问我这些问题。
Why are you guest blogging on a site that's a three million Alexa? Because everything is better than zero, right?
You are always going to put a price on your time and that's what you're giving up when you're hustling.
But when you're building a business, when you're trying to build something that you want to retire on,
or you want to do this full time. I'm going to New Media Expo in Vegas this week,
everyone's gonna be like, Gary I want to do this full time. I do this but it's what I want to do full time.
If you want to do it full time, you got to understand two principles. Mark is getting crazy.
I get Mark pumped up. It's this: patience and you got to build your ass off and it's gonna take a long time.
You got to just keep building and grinding and building and two everything is better than zero,
just get your extra links, get talked about, get a deal, take five bucks instead of ten bucks,
even though it's worth 10 bucks in every other market. Get 100 dollars sponsorship of your show,
even though your buddies are getting a thousand and they're getting less views.
You understand? Get what you can get. Take it. Grab it. Everything is better than zero and you know what,
明白我的意思吗? 获得一切你能获得的东西,努力争取,记住有总比没有强,
if you keep pounding away with that, if you put your head down
and Ram-Man and He-Man style over and over and over,
taking little pieces, little squirrel-like moves like an ant.
At the end of the day, you look around and you've got something and you start leveraging what you've got around you
to build to the next spot and then you leverage again, so everything everything is better than zero
and the way you build on that is by hustling your face off.