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- A real phenomenon, actual phenomenon, but one that we need to also apply real research to see what works.
- 一种神奇的现象,但还是需要通过实验来研究其原理
- Albert Bandura, on your reading about for this week,
- 阿尔伯特·班杜拉,你们本周的阅读任务
- has done a lot of work on the concept of self-efficacy which is essentially the academic term for believing in oneself.
- 做了许多关于自我效能的研究本质上是自信的学术术语
- And here is what he writes after decades and decades of research. He by the way won
- 以下是他进行几十年研究后的结论。去年他获得了
- the researcher's prize for the positive psychologists last year so he's doing a lot of research in this area. He's from Stanford.
- 授予积极心理学家的研究者奖项,进行了很多这方面的研究。他是斯坦福大学的教授
- "Beliefs in personal efficacy affect life choices,
- "自我效能感影响人们生活选择
- level of motivation, quality of functioning, resilience to adversity and vulnerability to stress and depression."
- 动机水平,机能的质量,对逆境的适应力对压力和沮丧的抵抗力
- Those you believe in themselves, who have confidence, do well across the different areas in their lives, He continues,
- 相信自己的人,充满信心,在生活的不同领域都表现出色,他还指出
- "People who regard themselves as highly efficacious act, think, and feel differently from those who perceive themselves as inefficacious.
- 认为自己高效能者,与认为自己无用者想法感觉完全不同
- They produce their own future, rather than simply foretell it."
- 他们创造自己的未来,而不是简单地梦想
- In other words, what he's talking about here is that these people are scribed in their lives.
- 换句话说,他所说的是对生活充满信心的人
- They create their own lives as oppose to those that are being prescribed by others.
- 他们创造自己的人生,与那些由他人摆布的人不同
- They are more resilient, better able to deal with hardships and difficulties. In other words,
- 他们适应力更强对困难与挫折的应对力更强。换句话说,
- better capacity as we discussed earlier to deal with difficulties.
- 能力更强,我们之前讨论过应对挫折的问题
- Now the important thing about this research, in his research over the years is that it can be learned.
- 这项研究的重要性在于,经过长年累月的,研究发现,这些能力是可以习得的
- It's cultivated over time.
- 可以慢慢培养
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201709/522503.shtml