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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- So it's just half of the equation and what these self-help books
- 所以这只是等式的一半,而这些自助书籍
- and messages do is overpromise and under-deliver, which at times can be destructive. For example,
- 传达的讯息往往言过其实,效果甚微,甚至可能会造成毁灭性后果。比如
- if everything is based on the law of attraction. I created everything that everything is up to me and also everything is my fault.
- 如果一切皆建立于吸引力法则上,我创造了一切,一切都因我而变,一切都是我的错
- Even taking to the extreme, is a 3 years old girl responsible for being abused?
- 举个极端点的例子,如果3岁小女孩被虐待,那是她的责任吗
- Is a 30 years old man responsible for being paralyzed as a result of an accident by a drunken driver?
- 30岁的男子被酒醉驾车的司机撞成瘫痪是他自己的责任吗
- There are certain things that are out there
- 有些事情是我们无法控制的
- and when we say that everything is up to us, everything is created by the law of attraction,
- 所以一切因我而变,一切都由吸引力法则决定
- then it's a prescription maybe in the short term for inspiration and for belief and for wellbeing, but in the long term,
- 这种说法短期内可能能让你坚定信念,获得幸福感,但是长期来看
- it's for frustration, for guilt, and for unhappiness.
- 只会让人感到挫败,内疚,不快乐
- And also for less success because if I really believe that it's all about thinking, then this is going to be my mind set.
- 离成功越来越远,因为如果我真的相信一切都由思考决定,这种想法就会成为我的心态习惯
- All I need to do is believe and then all the money will come to me.
- 只要有信心,钱就会滚滚而来
- All the success in a relationship will come to me.
- 爱情就会降临于我
- And that does away with the hard work, with the persistence, with the failure that is necessary,
- 这抹杀了勤奋工作……坚韧不拔以及失败的作用
- part and parcel of a successful, happy, fulfilling, human life.
- 它们也是成功,幸福,完满人生的必要组成部分
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201708/522116.shtml