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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- If we constantly focus on "negative" research, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia,
- 如果我们总是关注"消极"研究,焦虑,压抑,精神分裂症
- we are primed by this research, we are primed by this work.
- 就会被这些研究影射,被这些工作影射
- And it creates reality. You know, this indirectly and conjunctionally relates to, some of you may know, the Isenberg principle,
- 创造出现实,你们有些人可能知道,这与冰山理论有这千丝万缕的联系
- is that when you measure a phenomenon, you are changing the phenomenon;
- 即当你度量某种现象时,就是在改变这种现象
- when you are measuring a phenomenon, you are also changing yourself.
- 当你度量某种现象时,也是在改变自己
- So by researching the positive we are also priming ourselves with the positive.
- 所以通过研究积极环境,我们也是在对自己影射积极的东西
- Now, a lot of this work that I'm talking about today and I'll talk about next time actually comes from the self-help movement.
- 今天包括下周,我谈到的很多内容其实都是源于自助运动
- In many ways the self-help movement was founded, was started in the 20th century...
- 自助运动确立于20世纪并从各个方面展开
- was started with the understanding that we create the world through our thinking, that our mind creates the world.
- 其理论基础为我们通过思考创建了世界,我们的思维创建了时间
- And books like these came out, back in the 1930's, Thinking Grow Rich.
- 1930年代相关书籍开始出版,比如《思考致富》
- This book since 1930's sold over 60 million copies.
- 从30年代至今销售超过6千万本
- It's still selling.
- 而且仍不断再版
- It's selling, it's the best seller in the US, it's the best seller in China, in India,
- 至今还是畅销书,不论在美国,中国,印度,
- it's the best seller in Africa, it's the best seller in Europe.
- 非洲还是欧洲
- It has an impact on people and here's one of the things that Napoleon Hill says,
- 它对人们产生了巨大影响,作者拿破仑·希尔这样说过
- "Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
- "只要你想得到,只要你相信,你就能够做到"
- Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Very empowering.
- 只要你想得到,只要你相信,你就能够做到。非常鼓舞人心
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201708/520858.shtml