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美国总统选举中的地理学 >
- No doubt about that
- 这是毫无意外的
- So there is a correlation between Republican voting now and membership in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
- 可见共和党获得的选票与摩门教会成员对它的支持有着密切关系
- So it's pretty easy to explain that very heavy Republican pattern
- 这就轻易地解释了西部明显偏向共和党的原因
- There are though some exceptions
- 不过也有一些例外
- The color is actually a little bit washed out on this map
- 地图的颜色有些失真
- I tried to fix it, but you can find the county here in eastern Utah that just barely went for the Republican Party
- 我已经修复过了,你会发现犹他东部的一些县共和党仅以非常微弱的优势获胜
- and if we go back much farther back we find this county actually was very strongly Democratic voting in many years
- 如果我们追溯更早时候的大选,我们会发现这些县曾在多次大选中强烈支持民主党
- so now it's just barely Republican and to explain this, I'm going to turn to some maps of ancestry
- 现在则稍稍倾向共和党,为了解释其中的原因,我要给你们看几幅人种分布的地图
- There's a map showing persons of Greek ancestry per 1000 population and there in the darkest category is that county
- 这幅地图展示的是每1000人中有希腊血统的人数,我们看到这个县属于人数最多的红色类
- Persons of Italian ancestry in the darkest category. There is that county and persons of Yugoslavian
- 意大利血统人数图中,该县也被分入,人数最多的一类兰斯拉夫血统人数
- Well basically Serbian Croatian and Slovenia in the second darkest category that's same county
- 主要包括塞尔维亚血统,克罗地亚和斯洛文尼亚血统,该县在第二多的蓝色类
- What's going on here, If I give you the name of the county, you'd probably be able to tell
- 为什么这个县如此特殊,如果我告诉你这个县的名字,你应该就知道了
- Carbon County Utah, Carbon County you know it's gonna be a coal mining county
- 它是犹他州的卡本县,你们都知道,卡本县是一个煤矿大县
- and coal mining was conducted largely by immigrants from eastern and southern Utah
- 而进行挖矿工作的劳工,大多数犹他东部和南部的移民
- so even though the Mormons are the largest church, there's a lot of Eastern Orthodox, there's a lot of Roman Catholics in this county
- 所以尽管该地区摩门是主流教会,这里仍有很多东正教徒以及天主教的教徒
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201708/519530.shtml