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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- Hope you had a wonderful long weekend.
- 希望各位度过了个愉快的周末
- So, let's jump right into it.
- 好了,直入主题
- So, where did we leave last time?
- 上回说到哪儿了
- Last time we talked about the power of the situation, we talk about how beliefs become self-fulfilling prophesies.
- 上回我们谈了环境的力量,谈到了信念是如何成为自我实现的预言
- And how it is through the situation that we very often create expectations, believes of people.
- 以及我们是如何通过环境对他人产生期望及信念
- And these believes become reality.
- 这些信念会变成现实
- And we talked about how social psychology essentially started with
- 还谈到了为什么说社会心理学本质上是从
- some very important experiment such as the Milgrim effect, or obedience to authority.
- 某些重要的实验开始的,比如米尔格伦实验,又称权利服从研究
- Such as Zimbardo's prison experiment,
- 比如津巴多的监狱实验
- where prisoners were put in or played... students play the role of prisoners or the role of wardens and they actually entered that role
- 试验中,囚犯被关在……学生扮演囚犯及看守的角色,完全进入了角色
- so totally that after a week the experiment had to be stop, when it was suppose to go on for two weeks.
- 以至于一周后实验被迫中止,而原计划是要进行两周
- And then the question we asked was, OK, so we know that the situation is powerful. We know that it makes a difference.
- 接着我们提出了一个问题,既然环境的力量如此巨大,能使人改变
- Can we also create a powerful, positive situation to bring out the best in people?
- 那能否创造出一种强大但积极的环境将人的最佳状态充分调动起来?
- And the answer is yes.
- 答案是肯定的
- And we started talking about it and we talk about professor Langer and her research and how she show that putting
- 我们对此做了深入分析,并谈到了兰格教授以及她的研究
- um... elderly men in an environment where they were actually
- 她让一群老人置身于仿20年前的环境中
- or where they acted as if they were 20 years younger actually became younger.
- 要求他们装作回到20年前的生活,这些老人竟然变得年轻了
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201707/517709.shtml