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权利的游戏 第898期:第五十一章 珊莎(4)

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  • From a drooping sleeve, heavy with gilded scrollwork, he drew a parchment, unrolled it, and began to read a long list of names,
  • 他从袖子里抽出一卷羊皮纸,展开之后,开始宣读一长串的名单,
  • commanding each in the name of king and council to present themselves and swear their fealty to Joffrey.
  • 并以国王和重臣之名,命令他们即刻上朝宣誓效忠,
  • Failing that, they would be adjudged traitors, their lands and titles forfeit to the throne.
  • 倘若不从,将被视作叛徒,其领地和封号均由王室收回。
  • The names he read made Sansa hold her breath.
  • 他念出的名字令珊莎屏住了呼吸:
  • Lord Stannis Baratheon, his lady wife, his daughter.
  • 史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩公爵夫妇和他们的女儿,
  • Lord Renly Baratheon. Both Lord Royces and their sons.
  • 蓝礼公爵,罗伊斯伯爵兄弟和他们的儿子,
  • Sir Loras Tyrell. Lord Mace Tyrell, his brothers, uncles, sons.
  • 洛拉斯·提利尔爵士,梅斯·提利尔公爵及其兄弟、叔父和儿子,
  • The red priest, Thoros of Myr. Lord Beric Dondarrion.
  • 密尔的红袍僧索罗斯,贝里·唐德利恩伯爵,
  • Lady Lysa Arryn and her son, the little Lord Robert.
  • 莱沙·艾林夫人和她的儿子小劳勃,
  • Lord Hoster Tully, his brother Sir Brynden, his son Sir Edmure.
  • 霍斯特·徒利公爵及其弟布林登爵士、其子艾德慕爵士,
  • Lord Jason Mallister. Lord Bryce Caron of the Marches.
  • 杰森·梅利斯特伯爵,边疆地的布莱斯·卡伦伯爵,
  • Lord Tytos Blackwood. Lord Walder Frey and his heir Sir Stevron.
  • 泰陀斯·布莱伍德伯爵,瓦德·佛雷侯爵和他的继承人史提夫伦爵士,
  • Lord Karyl Vance. Lord Jonos Bracken. Lady Sheila Whent.
  • 卡列尔·凡斯伯爵,裘诺·布雷肯伯爵,希拉·河安伯爵夫人,
  • Doran Martell, Prince of Dorne, and all his sons.
  • 多恩亲王道朗·马泰尔及其所有子嗣。
  • So many, she thought as Pycelle read on and on, it will take a whole flock of ravens to send out these commands.
  • 好多人啊,她一边听派席尔念个不休,心里一边想,光把这些命令送出去,就得用上一整群的渡鸦。
  • And at the end, near last, came the names Sansa had been dreading.
  • 最后,接近末尾时,珊莎害怕已久的名字终于出现:


From a drooping sleeve, heavy with gilded scrollwork, he drew a parchment, unrolled it, and began to read a long list of names, commanding each in the name of king and council to present themselves and swear their fealty to Joffrey. Failing that, they would be adjudged traitors, their lands and titles forfeit to the throne.

The names he read made Sansa hold her breath. Lord Stannis Baratheon, his lady wife, his daughter. Lord Renly Baratheon. Both Lord Royces and their sons. Sir Loras Tyrell. Lord Mace Tyrell, his brothers, uncles, sons. The red priest, Thoros of Myr. Lord Beric Dondarrion. Lady Lysa Arryn and her son, the little Lord Robert. Lord Hoster Tully, his brother Sir Brynden, his son Sir Edmure. Lord Jason Mallister. Lord Bryce Caron of the Marches. Lord Tytos Blackwood. Lord Walder Frey and his heir Sir Stevron. Lord Karyl Vance. Lord Jonos Bracken. Lady Sheila Whent. Doran Martell, Prince of Dorne, and all his sons. So many, she thought as Pycelle read on and on, it will take a whole flock of ravens to send out these commands.
And at the end, near last, came the names Sansa had been dreading.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
throne [θrəun]


n. 王座,君主

flock [flɔk]


n. 一群(人,兽),大堆
v. 成群而行,聚

mace [meis]


n. 钉头槌,狼牙棒 n. 权标,执权标者 vt. 向

forfeit ['fɔ:fit]


n. 没收物,罚金,丧失
vt. 没收,丧失<





