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权利的游戏 第896期:第五十一章 珊莎(2)

编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Sansa slipped in among them, murmuring greetings as she worked her way toward the front.
  • 珊莎走进旁听席,一边穿梭着往前排移动,一边喃喃向人们问好。
  • She recognized black-skinned Jalabhar Xho, gloomy Sir Aron Santagar, the Redwyne twins Horror and Slobber...
  • 她认出黑皮肤的贾拉巴·梭尔,神情郁闷的艾伦·桑塔加爵士,以及雷德温家的双胞胎恐怖爵士和流口水爵士……
  • only none of them seemed to recognize her.
  • 可他们却似乎都不认得她。
  • Or if they did, they shied away as if she had the grey plague.
  • 或者他们认得,却把她当瘟疫般避之惟恐不及。
  • Sickly Lord Gyles covered his face at her approach and feigned a fit of coughing,
  • 憔悴的盖尔斯伯爵一见她走近,便遮住脸,假装剧烈咳嗽;
  • and when funny drunken Sir Dontos started to hail her, Sir Balon Swann whispered in his ear and he turned away.
  • 而喝得醉醺醺、人又顶滑稽的唐托斯爵士正要向她打招呼,只见巴隆·史文爵士在他耳边低语了几句,他便转开头去。
  • And so many others were missing.
  • 还有好多好多人都不见了。
  • Where had the rest of them gone? Sansa wondered.
  • 其他人到哪里去了?珊莎纳闷。
  • Vainly, she searched for friendly faces.
  • 她徒劳无功地搜索友善的脸孔,
  • Not one of them would meet her eyes.
  • 然而谁都不愿正眼瞧她。
  • It was as if she had become a ghost, dead before her time.
  • 她仿佛成了幽魂,还未寿终正寝,便已宣告死亡。
  • Grand Maester Pycelle was seated alone at the council table, seemingly asleep, his hands clasped together atop his beard.
  • 派席尔大学士独自坐在议事桌边,两手撑在胡子下,那样子像是睡着了。
  • She saw Lord Varys hurry into the hall, his feet making no sound.
  • 接着,她看见瓦里斯伯爵匆匆忙忙地进入大厅,走路没有半点声音。
  • A moment later Lord Baelish entered through the tall doors in the rear, smiling.
  • 过了一会儿,贝里席伯爵也笑盈盈地从大门走进来,
  • He chatted amiably with Sir Balon and Sir Dontos as he made his way to the front.
  • 一边和蔼可亲地与巴隆爵士和唐托斯爵士闲话家常,一边朝大厅前方移动。
  • Butterflies fluttered nervously in Sansa's stomach.
  • 珊莎的肚子绞成一团,好似有成群蝴蝶飞舞。
  • I shouldn't be afraid, she told herself. I have nothing to be afraid of,
  • 我不该害怕的,她告诉自己,我没什么好怕的,
  • it will all come out well, Joff loves me and the queen does too, she said so.
  • 一切都会圆满收场,因为小乔爱我,太后也爱我,她亲口说的。


Sansa slipped in among them, murmuring greetings as she worked her way toward the front. She recognized black-skinned Jalabhar Xho, gloomy Sir Aron Santagar, the Redwyne twins Horror and Slobber... only none of them seemed to recognize her. Or if they did, they shied away as if she had the grey plague. Sickly Lord Gyles covered his face at her approach and feigned a fit of coughing, and when funny drunken Sir Dontos started to hail her, Sir Balon Swann whispered in his ear and he turned away.

And so many others were missing. Where had the rest of them gone? Sansa wondered. Vainly, she searched for friendly faces. Not one of them would meet her eyes. It was as if she had become a ghost, dead before her time.
Grand Maester Pycelle was seated alone at the council table, seemingly asleep, his hands clasped together atop his beard. She saw Lord Varys hurry into the hall, his feet making no sound. A moment later Lord Baelish entered through the tall doors in the rear, smiling. He chatted amiably with Sir Balon and Sir Dontos as he made his way to the front. Butterflies fluttered nervously in Sansa's stomach. I shouldn't be afraid, she told herself. I have nothing to be afraid of, it will all come out well, Joff loves me and the queen does too, she said so.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
feigned [feind]


adj. 假装的,不真诚的 动词feign的过去式和过去

approach [ə'prəutʃ]


n. 接近; 途径,方法
v. 靠近,接近,动

gloomy ['glu:mi]


adj. 阴暗的,抑沉的,忧闷的

recognize ['rekəgnaiz]


vt. 认出,认可,承认,意识到,表示感激





