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- North Korea says it successfully launched an intercontinental ballistic missile for the first time.
- 朝鲜称首次成功发射一枚洲际弹道导弹。
- The launch was just a test,the 11th one conducted by North Korea this year, at least that we know of.
- 这次发射仅仅是一次试验,是今年朝鲜进行的第十一次试验,至少我们知道的。
- And the timing of it likely wasn't an accident.
- 时间可能不是意外。
- The order to launch the missile reportedly came from Kim Jong-un on the eve of July 4, or Independence Day in the U.S.
- 据报道,金正恩发射导弹的命令来自于7月4日前夕,即美国独立日。
- Officials are still trying to determine if the missile was indeed an ICBM. But some analysts say it had the range to strike Alaska.
- 官员们仍在试图确定导弹是否确实是洲际弹道导弹。但一些分析家表示,它的射程可以袭击阿拉斯加。
- The test came despite repeated warnings from the U.S., Japan and China.
- 试验一再遭到美国,日本和中国的警告。
- China, an ally of North Korea, has been under intense pressure to crack down on its neighbor in the east.
- 中国作为朝鲜的同盟国,一直以来面对巨大压力制裁朝鲜。
- U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted hours after the launch, asking if Kim Jong-un has "anything better to do."
- 发射后数小时,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普发推特,询问金正恩是否有“更好的事情要做”。
- Trump also suggested China should come down on the country and end the "nonsense."
- 特朗普还建议,中国应该惩罚朝鲜,结束“无意义的废话”。
North Korea says it successfully launched an intercontinental ballistic missile for the first time.
The launch was just a test — the 11th one conducted by North Korea this year, at least that we know of. And the timing of it likely wasn't an accident.
The order to launch the missile reportedly came from Kim Jong-un on the eve of July 4, or Independence Day in the U.S.
Officials are still trying to determine if the missile was indeed an ICBM. But some analysts say it had the range to strike Alaska.

The test came despite repeated warnings from the U.S., Japan and China. China, an ally of North Korea, has been under intense pressure to crack down on its neighbor in the east.
U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted hours after the launch, asking if Kim Jong-un has "anything better to do."
Trump also suggested China should come down on the country and end the "nonsense."
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201707/516460.shtml