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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- This explains Abu Ghraib.
- 这解释了Abu Ghraib监狱丑闻
- You know, current phenomenon what happened in the Iraqi prisons,of how people off the street enter the role
- 时事现象伊拉克战俘的遭遇随便一个人一旦进入角色
- they entered the role so much that Zimbardo had to stop the experiment after one week.
- 他们进入得太深Zimbardo不得不在一周后终止实验
- Go on YouTube and watch the video about this mind-boggling stuff.
- 可以去视频网站上看到
- So this is only important, good to know,important to know, but not enough.
- 这是很重要的知道很好,知道很重要,但不够
- Because the situation is so powerful, why just emphasize the negative?
- 因为情境如此强大为什么只强调消极的东西?
- Why not think about creating positive situations that will help us lead happier, more moral lives?
- 为什么不创造积极的环境让我们获得更快乐更讲道德的生活?
- And this has, just like a lot of positive psychological approaches, has been ignored with a ratio 21 to 1.
- 正像很多积极心理方法一样被21比1的比率忽视
- So let me share with you just a couple of studies in this area.
- 我要和大家分享这个领域的两项研究
- Both of them done by our very own Ellen Langer.
- 两项研究都由本校的Ellen Langer完成
- This, by the way, is the study that I am going to share now is going to be backbone of a movie coming out about Professor Langer
- 顺便说一句,我现在要讲到的这项研究是即将推出的Langer教授记录片的主干
- the person who's going to play Ellen Langer she's the first female tenure professor in the psychology department
- 扮演Ellen Langer的演员,Langer是心理学系的第一位女性终身教授
- the person who's going to play Ellen Langer is Jennifer Aniston.
- 扮演Ellen Langer的是詹妮弗安妮斯顿
- And the movie is coming out, hopefully in a year,
- 电影有望在一年后上映
- but it's about the experiment that I am going to share with you now.
- 但电影讲的是我要谈到的这项实验
- So this was done in 1979. Here was what Langer did.
- 实验在1979年进行 Langer的实验是
- What she did was take men who were above 75 years old and sent them to a retreat, which was a 1959 retreat, meaning even though it was 1979
- 她找来75岁以上的男人,把他们送去一座别墅那是间以1959为主题的别墅虽然实验在1979年进行

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201707/515560.shtml